Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Living In Your Mom's Basement and Gaming In No Way To Go Through Life Son....






A Goffstown man is heading to prison for 40 years to life for killing his mother last year.

Thomas Humphrey was living in his mother's basement at the time of the killing. She had just given him a PlayStation for his 47th birthday, and the two were arguing about how loud he was playing video games before she was stabbed 22 times and almost decapitated.

"This is, as I said in my more than a decade on the bench, one of the most brutal murders that I've presided over," said Judge William Delker.

Delker spoke before sentencing Humphrey to 40 years to life in prison for the murder of his mother, Linda Tufts.

Humphrey stabbed his mother 22 times, almost decapitating her, and then lit her body on fire. Relatives told the court how Tufts' killing affected them.

"You tore our family apart," said Kimberly, a family member. "The grief, the anger, the pain – that just continues on. You took one of our matriarchs of the family. It was completely unforgivable."

When police arrived at the house, they discovered the fire and located Humphrey at the bottom of the basement stairs with self-inflicted wounds, holding a knife.

Humphrey was charged with second-degree murder and arson. He pleaded guilty to both charges.

"The brutality of this crime simply makes it too dangerous not to impose a very lengthy state prison sentence," Delker said.

Humphrey was sentenced to five to 10 years in prison on the arson charge, to be served consecutively to the murder sentence.









  1. He's a fat doughboy, as expected.

    Soon, he'll be riding radiator hoses.
    He'll quickly learn to like it.

  2. He turned down a plea deal: vote for democrats and you'll go free.
    His answer: I am crazy, but not THAT crazy.

    1. Personally, I think he'd make a pretty decent draft animal.
      Wouldn't hurt to try would it?
      Say, 20 years, strapped to the wheel, to start.

  3. If only we had some common sense knife control.
    No normal person needs an assault knife that can stab as fast as you can cock your arm back, sometimes 20-30 times a minute.
    That's a dangerous weapon of war, and shouldn't be allowed on our streets.

  4. A spoiled loser. I wonder how long he survives. Don't Care,, just wondering.

  5. "When police arrived at the house, they discovered the fire and located Humphrey at the bottom of the basement stairs with self-inflicted wounds, holding a knife."

    Why TF didn't they just stand back and let him kill himself? Think of the money they could have saved. Here we have a brutally murdered woman, body on fire, house on fire and a guy trying to kill himself, did they think he stumbled across his dead mom and it wasn't an obvious conclusion that he was behind it all? Call the fire department, save what can be saved in the house, and let the guy have as painful a death as he gave his mom.

  6. I guess the judge doesn't want Humphrey to ever get out of jail with the consecutive sentence, not that he ever should be.


  7. The guy's lifestyle is more common than many think. The internet and video games will eventually claim more lives than the Covid vaccines.

    1. Never thought of that. Can't argue against it.

  8. At least he admitted to it.

  9. And the local report says he was convicted of sexual assault on a 12 year old girl in the past. 40 to life PLUS 5 years for the arson charge means he will die in prison. Good.

  10. Where's the father?

  11. Probably the best commentary on the degradation of American manhood I've seen today.
    Some woman felt she had to buy her 47 year old son who is living in her basement a playstation ....(a fucking playstation, a child's toy).........who then murders her in an infantile rage.......what in the hell!


    1. Bring back the draft. So, so simple.

    2. I once did tdy as a hometown recruiter, being sent back to my small town to work with my original recruiter .

      We had this guy who was fired up to go, but the Sergeant would not put him in, kept jacking his paperwork. When I asked him about it he said, "I ain't putting that twisted shitbag into my army!"

      Draft is absolutely not the answer. It may have worked when we had men to draft, but in a society where all the real men have already or else will volunteer, you will be stuck with undesirables like the scumbag in this article. Sucking the lint off the carpet only picks up lint.

    3. So one sgt jacking someone’s paper makes draft bad. Great liberal logic. S..Korea and Israel (along with near a couple dozen more countries) might disagree. Personally witnessed USMC DI’s shape undesirables into a disciplined fierce force.

    4. Sounds like the chickens coming home to roost.

    5. In the days when the military punishes troops for not using "preferred pronouns", the draft won't get young men capable of being trained. There are no safe spaces in boot camp, at least there weren't in the past, now DI's have to tread lightly for fear of being punished for offending a recruit. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2024/04/troops-may-be-punished-for-rejecting-preferred-pronouns-experts-warn/

    6. I'm not liberal in any shape or form, and you just made my argument.

      The draft worked before because we were a much better nation. Of course they took rough men and shaped them into something worthwhile, but the men that permeate our country are not made of this material.

      By and large the men we have now are candy-asses who snap because their toys were taken away.

      If you think this clown in the article and those like him are just a DI away from American greatness you are sadly misinformed.

      I went through boot in the eighties at Knox, the DIs today can barely do their job. Go watch Y-tube and see DIs coddling trainees that yell at them, its absolutely sickening.

      Hell don't take my word for it look up Angry Cops, he's a National Guard D.I. he's got plenty to say about the sorry state of today's training regimen.

      You can't raise a draft from a pool of soft, weak willed men and expect them to perform like our soldiers in the past.

  12. Replies
    1. Yep, not be be unkind, but believe the murdered mother is a factor in making this man what he turned out to be.

    2. Exactly right!
      I've said it a thousand times, it takes women to raise children but, it takes a man to raise men.

  13. Gee, my former son-in-law only (thankfully, my daughter escaped before he went completely off the deep end) received 26 years for suffocating his own mother in a fit of pique. He'll be eligible for parole soon.

  14. This Is a good follow up from the last post.

  15. There is no correcting someone at this level of sick, twisted irreversible evil. Only one solution:


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