Saturday, May 4, 2024

Use The Farce.....











  1. What the hell is he doing at cringe's podium?

    1. The only thing he knows how to do, pretend.

  2. Once again the morons at the Press office did not check their optics.....Luke Skywalker at the podium making their Press Secretary look like an Ewok!

    Absolute clown show these days.

  3. You can see the toll that TDS has taken on him . He looks like he's been tortured.

  4. What an absolute train wreck of a human being.

  5. Big Biden supporter, huh? Biden has been in government for 51 years while Trump is a rookie at only 4 years. Biden hasn't fixed anything in that time, in fact in his last 3 years he's made things worse. Trump made things work , even if he couldn't fix everything. If their records were batting averages who would you want on your team. BTW Hamil, stop driving nails with your face.

  6. He's looking haggard and disheveled. The price of being a TDS affected lefty.

    1. Kinda looks like that moonbat Robert Reich

  7. He’s looking almost old enough to run for president.

  8. Cocaine is a terrible way to ruin your life. He is a perfect example. And mark, give up the hair dye. Your hair doesn’t fit the aged/haggard face. Fugly and lives in a bubble. Knows no one with dirt under their nails but nods at his groundskeeper.

  9. They really are scrapping the bottom of the barrel this week. First it was the infamous "I used to drive a tractor trailer truck" then "Cannibals ate my Uncle", now they're trotting out this tired excuse for a human being posing as a traditional liberal. They've totally lost the plot. That's gotta mean they're spinning up the steal big time.

    I want to know why all of the House GOP committees aren't having the 2000 Mules folks testify and produce the cell phone numbers of the mules they tracked making multiple drops to the ballot drop boxes, then issuing subpoenas for those criminals to testify in front of CONgress. Well, I know the answer, the gutless cowards are afraid Demonrats are going to call them the bad name of the day.

    You can rest assured that the 2024 mules will be instructed to leave their cell phones at home.


    1. "...the gutless cowards are afraid Demonrats are going to call them the bad name of the day."

      They're ALL compromised and realize which side of their bread is buttered.

    2. Yep. The Democrats have had the FBI doing background checks on Republican Congress Critters since Hillary hid those files in her closet in 1994.

  10. Cryin' shame he's such a Libtard... but, Hollywierd's gonna Hollyweird.

  11. you guys are always spot on. in yor subtil, slick way.
    keep it up

  12. "Bad name of the day" to these A-holes would be "We, are Patriotic Americans."
    They are not even trying to hide it anymore, the Republicucks and democraps are the Uniparty. Mike Littlejohnson, made that perfectly clear: he will not defend our border.
    Bear in Indy

  13. He's looking more like Emperor Palpitine than Luke Skywalker.

  14. gee, I wonder what if anything they had tp give him to do this. BTW, he really looks like he is drunk as hell there.
    or maybe that was part of the deal ? using hair dye to look younger is not really working with that haggard face
    either way, he does look well past his best by date by more than a few years. dave in pa.

  15. You can really see the damage his car crash did to his face,ruining his career. Even bad actors work sometimes .

    1. There was a plan to kill Luke off in The Empire Strikes Back but they added the abominable snowman to scratch his face instead.

  16. His best role was having his head explode in 'Kingsmen'.


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