Thursday, May 2, 2024

That Poor Cat....



The Amazon returns employee wasn’t at work the day one of her colleagues at a California warehouse found a small, furry stowaway in a box mailed six days earlier from Utah.

But Brandy Hunter got the call anyway.

“Everyone knows I love cats,” she recalled. “I was not on shift but went to the facility with cat food and a carrier to see if I could help.”

When she got there April 16, the small calico had emerged from the 3-by-3-foot cardboard container. But the feline was frightened and wouldn’t eat anything.





After I watched the news clip and read the article, I think the cat was trying to escape.. poor cat.








  1. Glad it worked out OK.
    We have a torty that's now 12 years old.

  2. “The box is Galena’s absolute favorite place to play in, and she’s pretty chill and happy when she’s in a box,” Clark told CNN.

    Ummm…me too!

  3. Jurupa is East, not West, of LA.
    West of LA would be the Pacific Ocean.
    Freaking "reporters".

    1. Yeah, caught that one too.
      "Layers and layers of editors" my ass.
      Just proves that with the Communist News Network, just assume everything they say is 180° out from reality, and you'll do fine.

  4. Brandy has that 'crazy cat lady' look about her. She probably smells like cat pee, cheap chardonnay, and stoufers meals for one, with just a tinge of lonely mixed with despair.
    I'd guess you can hear her biological clock ticking down when she stands next to you.
    But other than that, I'd hit it.

  5. Laugher for at least a minute 😎


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