Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Larry Suffers From TDS... Don't Be Larry...




A Concord man who allegedly vandalized cars at a New Hampshire Republican event is being held without bail after a judge said she was concerned about evidence found during a search of his home.

Police said some of the evidence found in the home of Lawrence Dunlap, 37, included a duffle bag with weapons and zip-tie handcuffs.

Dunlap was arrested in connection with a vandalism incident outside Concord High School. Police said several cars were keyed at a Republican event being held at the school.

Investigators said video surveillance showed Dunlap riding a skateboard in the parking lot.



Another article from NHJOURNAL:

A 37-year-old Concord realtor who espoused anti-Trump sentiments online is being held for allegedly keying dozens of cars during the recent state GOP convention as police found a disturbing cache of guns, zip ties, and suicide notes in his apartment.


Lawrence Anthony Dunlap of South Spring Street was arrested and charged Friday with 11 felonies for the incident that took place earlier this month.


The investigation into Dunlap’s connection to the vandalism became intense Friday when Concord Police issued a “be on the lookout” alert for Dunlap over concerns for his safety and the safety of police who might encounter him, according to reporting by Tony Schinella at the Concord Patch.


Dunlap was reportedly seen leaving his home on foot Friday morning. Police report finding guns, a manifesto, suicide notes, and a bag containing zip ties, masks, and gloves.


Dunlap’s social media profiles were largely scrubbed Friday. But some remaining posts indicate an antipathy for former President Donald Trump and Trump’s supporters. In a rambling Facebook post accusing Trump voters of racism and law enforcement of denying the events of Jan. 6, 2021, Dunlap called Trump a dictator before oddly calling for unity.



  1. Another data point verifying that TDS is real, and it's a mental illness.
    Now, I didn't read deep enough into the article to say that he's a LibTard DildoCrat, but the signs are there.
    Too bad the mental hospitals (loony bins) were done away with in the 80s.
    President Elect B Woodman

  2. I'm missing something here. Guy is obviously a whack job, BUT what gives the police the right to be searching his house?
    A warrant to find him, ok.
    But looking for him does equate to a search of his property does it?

    1. Agreed. Must be some missing links to their search; I hope so or there is serious problems with LEO.

  3. The cops and DA would never tell you this, however cameras are every where and facial recognition and gait software is making very hard to get away with any kind of crime these days.

  4. Someone help me understand the consistent theme of "Trump as dictator" in political opposition statements; professional pundits and ranting lunatics alike use that trigger phrase. Like his policies or not, where does the dictator position come from?

    1. Well, if you only watch the main stream media outlets you would think that Trump is literally Hitler.
      As improbable as that seems considering Hitler is dead and lived many years ago, it's all they've got.

    2. They use trigger words even if the truth is the exact opposite.
      Antifa stands for anti-fascist, yet the political policies they push for are fascism.

      The vast majority of people calling trump a dictator believe it because the media told them it was true and they can't name a single policy that he did that way.


    3. If I constantly tell you the sky is purple (and every single talking head/influencer/facebook friend/bot/newspaper/etc parrots me); eventually you will agree with me. Regardless of what you think to be true.

    4. The position comes from owning the media and the air waves, what they say does not have to be true to be said over and over until "it must be true, they keep saying it is", think "The Big Lie"

    5. If/when you read "1984" the thinking behind the mis-use of definitions will become clear.

  5. One can't help but wonder how many lawrence dunbar's are running around loose without a keeper.
    Assume all leftists to be just like Lawrence, & plan accordingly.

  6. Meh, that just means he will be back on the street within 24 hour so he qualifies for the “known to authorities” moniker

  7. Glad they got this pos nutjob off the street regardless. Seems the authorities are damned if they do and damned if they don’t with some folks but who is surprised by that?

  8. If the guy thinks 0bama fixed healthcare, he's really delusional.


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