Tuesday, April 30, 2024

It Will Be Interesting To See How Things Have Played Out When History Looks Back On El Salvadore....











  1. Can we do thet here pretty please?
    Can we have anyone found guilty hang outside of their respective work places to send a message to others?
    There wouldn't be a government building in the US that didn't have its trees decorated in such a manner.

    1. We're gonna need more trees.

    2. I disagree. I think the guilty should be hanged in their front yard in their home district. At the same time on the same day.

    3. That is not America. Never has been.

  2. Gotta like that guy........Hopefully he can inspire a few others before they off him.....

  3. Is TRUMP paying attention? Because his legacy is ALREADY surrounding himself with criminals, deep state operatives, traitors, etc. Let's ot even get into discussing the PLANNEDEMIC or the death jab GENOCIDE.

    1. You like the kool-aid much? Step back and take a deep breath. I’d recommend a tour in the USMC and see as much of the world as you can. It’ll open your eyes and thinking.

    2. me thinks you watch to much TE-LIE-VISION

    3. Naw, but I did see the parts of the world with the USMC. It made me appreciate that we can disagree and not walk lockstep. Seen too many folks that didn’t know where dinner was coming from, dirt poor. Count your blessings you are an American.

    4. Would you agree that the current speaker of the house is doing a good job?

    5. The current speaker of the house is a shill

    6. A shill for Trump.

      Don appointed nothing but swamp creatures. Name one that wasn't. Mnuchin Milley Bolton lmao

  4. If Trump gets back in, he should take a lesson from this guy as well as Argentina's Javier Milei who disbanded a bunch of bureaucrat offices and jobs. I'd recommend Matt Whitaker (Go Hawkeyes) for his AG.
    Too many gov departments to list, but I'd start with closing homeland security, fdc, cdc, and dept. of education to begin with.

    1. Add FiBbIes and BATFEces.
      President Elect B Woodman

  5. I hope he has his personal affairs in order. Probably be dead by next month.

  6. I suspect his assassination is already being plotted....

  7. Ok, gonna ask this question. Please understand the seriousness that I ask it. If we get rid of the federal reserve.....what do we replace it with? What was being used before the federal reserve? And how or what would it take to get back to that situation?

    1. Not a silly question,,,,
      Unfortunately, the bankers that wrote the FedRes rules, learned a lesson from Andrew Jackson and made the FED an amendment to the Constitution,,, We are stuck with it until that gets repealed or counter amended. Trump nor any other executive can just dissolve that nightmare. As for what we had prior, and not being snarky with my answer here, don't take it as such. We had STANDARDS; the GOLD standard being the one the Nixon did away with, which lead to where we are now with a Government that operates on debt like a junkie. The Standards are written into the Constitution on how the Government, more specifically, the Treasury determines minting of coin which is the foundation of our money supply; rather, SHOULD be the foundation, not this arbitraryy debt we are saddled with now.

    2. There is NO federal reserve provision in the Constitution!

    3. Interest rates should simply be set by the market. Coinage of money should match precious metal reserves, which can be monitored by the treasury.

    4. The 16th Amendment is inexorably "tied" to the creation of the Federal Reserve as the government had to "guarantee" a way to STEAL the money needed to pay the Fed back after they created debt in the process of creating the new money. The gold standard that existed prior to the creation of the Fed was one that was followed by most western nations, but fell apart when they all started violating it to pay for WW1. A new gold standard was in place up until 1934 when FDR destroyed the link between the dollar and gold for all US citizens, and Nixon destroyed what was left, shafting foreign dollar holders. There is NO Constitutional Amendment calling out the Federal Reserve. It is as UNCONSTITUTIONAL as could be. It violates the very clear directives of the Constitution that ONLY gold and silver will be used as money. There is the Federal Reserve Act which could be repealed by Congress at the drop of a hat (but never will because they are all OWNED by the Fed - with the exception of a few like Rand Paul and his father before him of course). Interest rates are simply the COST of money. They could and should fluctuate in the open market just like the price of everything else. With the backing of gold or other system of "sound money," the abolition of the fraud of fractional reserve banking (not having to hold 100% of monies that are saved), inflation would be as it was under the gold standard of the late 1800s/early 1900s - basically ZERO. In fact, because of the huge benefits of the industrial revolution, prices of nearly everything FELL during that same period WITHOUT harming folks. As for management of the currency, the treasury could easily maintain the currency at a level that matched the gold/silver reserves of the government (as it should be with any true gold/precious metals standard). As the great Ron Paul once said, if you cured and got rid of cancer, would you seek to replace it with anything? Same with the Fed. A cancer on our world. The Fed was created to line the pockets of the banksters that created it and run it. It was also a means by which government could spend lavishly beyond their means.

    5. Gold backed currency. Ole hickory abolished their first attempt

    6. EVERY monetary system eventually fails because of this. The Roman Empire started diluting in 64AD, Byzantine Empire started diluting their coinage around 1034, the current Empire debased their currency staring around 1934. Plainly the current Empire is coming to an end, read Ray Dalio's The Changing World Order... great book for understanding the rise and fall of empires.

    7. Every monetary system fails because government is the greatest evil ever created by man.

  8. My grandfathers fathers name was Harry. Some of us do know where we came from.

  9. reminds me of Sarah Palin when she cleaned up the Corrupt Bastards Club (that's what they called themselves), who were all republicans, then publicly called out the democrats and said "your turn".

  10. I love the way Bukele solved the gang problems in El Salvador.
    We should do that in Chicago and then every other Dem shthole city, one by one.

  11. Having lived in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Chile I can tell you this guy, and the President of Nicaragua did some questionable things, we'd not get away with in the US. They both have suspended their constitutions and locked up all suspected gang members. Got a face tattoo you're going go jail. This has shifted the drug trade south to Ecuador, which has a gang/government war going on now.

    Hard to know what will come of it or what to think about it. When I lived in Guatemala the zone the cartels were in was the nicest and safest because no one was going to rob anyone in that zone.

    I hope it works out for El Salvador and Nicaragua but I'm not willing to move to either at this time.


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