Wednesday, May 15, 2024



A time for rebirth

A change of seasons

Change brings new potential of valleys to traverse and hills and to climb

Life is always changing

We sometimes seek equilibrium and it seems to be attained for some passage of time

Unbalances forces then disrupt that equilibrium and the system needs to adjust

Looking at the next few months life is going to be busy

All is good, The system just needs to be adjusted

Time cannot be created

It must be allocated correctly to accomplish goals, commitments and daily chores

I will be around but things here, at TFI, will most likely be sporadic 

This is not a whoa is me post, many of us have busy, busy lives to attend to

As I noted, all is good

Just gotta get lots of shit done







  1. Potatoes in the garden and house repairs are far more important than blogging.

    But please do find a moment now and then to keep us informed.

  2. The work at Hand keeps the mind sharp. Be well Brother.

  3. My father passed on to me a blessing/curse attitude about getting things done. He used to go to work and leave me a list of things to get done that day/week, and when he got home, I'd best have gotten pretty much everything done or had a good reason why not. Then I started making my own lists. Over the years my friends, spouse, partners got to know that my lists and I are one. To this day, now retired, when I awaken before the alarm and lay there, I think not of the kicked-back leisurely fun stuff I am going to do like going to a nice breakfast place for an easy morning, or going down to the river to fish, or take a hike in the Horse Heaven Hills, no. I review my list(s) in my head, organize the day around getting breakfast over and done with, and the order of things to get done that day. And you all know how it goes - the more I get done, the behinder I get. So, that's my story; and one more thing to scratch off the list...

  4. Do whatcha gotta do. We'll be around.

  5. 🙏🙏
    The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity's doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

  6. Love those New Jersey drivers!

  7. I always keep a list of things I need to get done. The list and it’s priorities are constantly changing for various reasons. Checking shit off the list is life’s lubricant if you know what I mean. Your message is understood and appreciated.
    TCB and Keep On Trucking brother.

  8. Good “shit” comes in many forms. They call it the human “race” for a reason,,,,, GO

  9. Staying busy is good. Don't forget us on Friday, though...

  10. Stay healthy, in body & spirit, know that we are "with" you and appreciate your young ass!

  11. In all things, moderation. Your blog is very entertaining, so don't burn out! Thanks for your efforts.


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