Monday, May 13, 2024

Incompetency, Greed, Evil, and Senility Exemplified in this clip of Mitch McConnell. This is a huge part of what is wrong with the not so United States today.

I should state that this video is dated (7 months) and McTurtle is not displaying greed himself in this photo, but greed is present. His handlers knows this man is incapable of making a cognizant decisions (as is the sitting POTUS). Still, his handler shown in this clip and her employers will keep Mitch alive and "voting" as long as they possibly can. I suppose that is not only greedy (wealth is one of the motivating factors here), but evil too. Does anyone believe the people of Kentucky elected this mentally broken/senile man to serve as their United States Senator?

Some good comments HERE too.


  1. All of DC and it's tendrils need a thorough cleaning with Clorox and Napalm and 5.56, then start all over again.

    1. I always liked the effect of those fuel vapor bombs myself. just short of a nuke. the problem is, you would have to "do" the whole area for a good 100 ,miles from the center. just to make sure, you got them all.
      but this time, pay them nothing to speak of, say E-5 pay.. make them all live in a barracks like area. bus them back and forth to work. no more than 2 terms ever. no stock trades, real estate or anything else.
      breaking of these rules in death. then, we might get something worthwhile down there.
      as it is, it not hard to loathe all of the bastards there. and a lot of others around here, feel the same way as well. just see that clip of old Joe at a Sheetz station in western pa. he could not believe that everyone there
      was yelling "fuck you" to him.
      I saved it as it always brings a smile to my face knowing most people really hate the old bastard.
      dave in pa.

    2. It'll never happen, but I like the way you think.

  2. he looks like a kid who gets asked, who ate all the cookies.

  3. We will all be judged one day. Sometimes for me I wish it was sooner than later.

  4. As a Kentuckian, hell yes we elected him! You should see what runs against him. I'd vote for a tree stump versus the Commie Lite that the Democratic party puts up a US Senate hopeful.

    Thinking about it just now, maybe we did elect the tree stump. He does need to go home and rest. IMHO they will put up his wife to run in his place. Elaine Chou has the pedigree the GOP loves.

    1. Pretty much what you said. I don’t have to like a situation to see it for what it is.

    2. Gerry and all, I wasn't picking on Kentuckians, but implying the validity of elections and the credibility of Mitch. We in Alabama have been in similar situations where a former senator "switched parties" moving his chair to the Republican side of the isle. He stayed in office well into his 80's and amassed a huge war chest that could not be beaten by anyone in most any state. He is Richard Shelby and he got his aide, Katie Britt, elected to the U.S. Senate. I fell your pain and understand being "boxed in" by lack of choice in candidates or a particular candidate having a monopoly or financial super advantage.

  5. How quick many forget that thanks to his efforts, Merrick Garland was kept off SCOTUS.

    1. Yep, all the others are so awesome

    2. There’s a lot of people who think he kept Garland off the Supreme Court so he could barter for a better deal from President Hillary Clinton. Based on the relations between Trump and McConnell, I believe it. Garland running the DoJ as Team Obiden’s Gestapo is better than his being on the court, but not by much.

      Mitch and Elaine have got to go. Willingly is still an option.

  6. Does anyone believe the people of Kentucky elected this mentally broken/senile man to serve as their United States Senator?
    I sure don't.

    1. Yes we elected him, here is why. Every time this shitbag runs with his bottomless campaign funds, the left throws all its money behind the biggest left wing shitbag they can find.

      No body running against this shitbag can beat their shitbag except this shitbag and so we get shitbag number one, a somewhat conservative when and if it it suits him.

      We are not stupid people. Ever since Obama we have gained ground over our government. Our right wing conservative governor somehow lost in a magic down ticket right wing landslide in what can only be described as a proto-national election steal. In other words Bevins was the test case to the 2020 steal.

      Even so, we have since passed the sportsman's bill (protecting the National 2cd amendment/Kentucky's First Amendment) which states gun rights can not ever be pre-empted for any reason. We passed constitutional carry. We passed laws over our lefty governor's vetoes and slammed all his vetoes back into his face.

      We also gave you Thomas Massie and Rand Paul. We ain't perfect but we are not stupid. If we could get rid of the turtle without further sabotaging ourselves, we would in a second!

    2. Wow. Do you have a few hours for me to talk about KY politics? Not that long ago (in old man years), Ky was a blue state. Kind of a blue-dog dem state, but a blue state. We are THRILLED to now be a solidly red state, but there are individual issues that trigger the left and they overcome a somewhat lethargic Republican voting base. Like many red states, KY is red everywhere but the large urban areas. For KY, Louisville (Jefferson County) is so HUGE compared to the state population that you have to tip-toe around liberal issues or they rise up and vote against you.

      Yes, we voted for Mitch, but only because he was slightly better than any D, and he has the money and connections to win the primary. I hope for a good person that can beat him in his next primary. As long as we have identity politics (and we still do), it will likely take a female or a black person to beat him in a primary (unless he retires or dies). And likely, that person will be right-center and not right. I honestly don't know how Rand Paul flies under the leftist radar in Senate races in KY, but we lucky to have him.

      I disagree with ANON on Bevin. I like the saying "I see better than I hear". I SAW Bevin commit political suicide before his last election. He spent the previous years picking a fight with the Teachers in KY. He was right, but the choice to make the fight so public was a huge mistake. He had many suburban mom-teachers in conservative districts vote against him. He still MIGHT have won, but two weeks or so before the election, he went to Northern KY (strong conservative voting base) and told them that the Brent Spence Bridge would be a Toll Bridge if it got fixed. If you don't know the Brent Spence story, look it up. A MAJOR artery of commerce for the eastern half of the US. Lots of KY people cross that bridge twice a day to work in Cincinnati OH and didn't want added tolls on a federal interstate highway (I71-I75). Those two issues alone lost him the election, but I really feel it was TOLLS right before the election. I felt like he didn't want to win in the end, and said what it took to lose.

    3. HighSeasDrifter-FormerlyAnonMay 19, 2024 at 1:47 AM

      There is a Lt Colonel with Army Intelligence who testified in the Michigan State House that he started watching when he saw Bevins votes flip on live tv.

      Bevins was the test case. The teacher narrative is the state approved narrative of the left.

      When Bevins was in office Kentucky made more money off its Aerospace Industry than Florida made off tourism, that is mind meltingly huge!

      Bevins was forced out by those who want to destroy us.

    4. PS. I was standing 15 feet from Bevins when he conceded, and ten feet away from me was a man who said he was in KY politics over 30 years. Neither my wife or I can remember this man's name.

      Even so he is the only one in the room who predicted correctly the steal. He said besides other shenanigans dems had run a slider as an independent to siphon votes. He said early before any precincts had reported that Bevins would lose despite a Republican landslide.

      You see that almost NEVER happens. You don't vote up, down ticket if you don't like the star at the top. Most people vote straight ticket. The teacher narrative is cover. Go look at the numbers yourself, there are not enough teachers that are registered Republicans that could have thrown the vote.

      Bevins was a stolen election. Now, did he he have the energy to fight it? NO. Here, I agree with you Bob, Bevins just plain laid down, I saw it in his face that night he lost.

  7. McConnell barely got re-elected. Being a shareholder in voting machine leader, supporting the slush funds, working to kill both the Tea Party and MAGA to support deepnstate and Dems might have been the quid to go with the pro. I think our gov is far more corrupt than any of us guessed.

    1. Sorry but that's BS McConnell won 57.76% to 38.23%

  8. You know who else got an assist for re-election? Crenshaw. The RINOs put a third primary candidate up and that siphoned votes away from the candidate who might have defeated Crenshaw. We had that here in CLE OH one year. An incumbent people wanted to get rid of won because of vote siphoning. The kicker? The third candidate was actually a Dem who ran as a GOP! As we are learning, the cancer is throughout the body.

    1. John Cornyn did that the year Indiana got rid of Senator Lugar. The Republican senatorial primary looked like a clown car. Cornyn has to assure that nobody gets traction, or else he’s out on his ear.

  9. Same thing is happening everywhere. Hosted a tour for Congressman Simpson (ID) probably eight years ago. He couldn't navigate his way out of a room or down a step without his handler, yet he's still in congress today.

  10. Watch Mitches right eye when the glitch happens. Now that is definitely an indication of a "mini-stroke".

    1. That was a full blown TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack). My mother had three that we knew of. Her dementia/Alzheimer's got progressively worse after the each one.

      Mitch's one good deed in 40+ years of government service was blocking Garland's appointment to the SJC. The block was especially ironic because he used a Demonrat "rule" to do it, that "rule" being NO SJC appointments during an election year. Double irony because that "rule" was invented by then Senator Joe Bribem.


  11. Re-elect nobody.

  12. The Mitch McConnell you see today IS NOT the man who was re-elected, so the arguments defending how Kentucky voted are unnecessary. Like 95% of the Senate, his corruption has gotten Mitch a final hemp party. The were warned, and some made deals. Money and the lobbies that dangle it talk louder than the reality of breaking the deal they made. That's just the way it is/was, regardless of what you believe about it.

    1. He is exactly the same piece of shit we re-elected. Back-stabbing, patriot hating, arrogant, Trump loathing shitbag! You want to pretend you were duped, or he somehow magically became more of slimeball, then more power to you. Most people I know voted for the crapweasel while holding their noses and choking back the vomit!

    2. I agree with ANON here. I held my nose.

    3. HighSeasDrifter-KyAnonMay 19, 2024 at 1:51 AM

      Damn right! Bevins did not have the money to beat Ashley Judd, a liberal left wing shitbag of the highest order. So we voted for the turtle. Those outside the state should thank us for not sending Judd to the senate instead.

  13. About half a year ago there was a claim that in addition to Hunter Byden there were offspring of three other Swamp Rats who had business dealings in Ukraine, including Pelosi's kid and Romney's kid-can't remember the 4th corrupt parent (but it was a D-rat) but the message is clear: Corruption, corruption, and more corruption. I'd hazard a guess that none of the 4 entitled brats could utter a coherent word of the Ukranian language and probably would be hard put to point out the country on a map of Eastern Europe. Probably the closest they ever got to Ukraine was the ski slopes of the Alps.

  14. Posted this to my facebook page. Thanks. Lots more people need to see and ponder.


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