Thursday, May 16, 2024

If This Is True, There Is Not Enought Popcorn Available....

I caught this last night as I was getting some work done.  YMMV FWIW.










  1. Wow. Where do you sign up? I would love to join the research to out all the scum that has taken over our Country...

  2. Ivan lays it all out there, but I believe unless you actually immerse yourself into what is REALLY going on, it is so much info for the general public and their general lassitude towards events that guide this country's direction.
    Fully corrupt gov. I believe it is too far gone for Trump or anyone else to right the ship without watering the Tree of Freedom.

  3. WOW! Hope it all works out. God speed young man.

  4. I couldn't catch his name. I'm wanting to know more about him. That was really exciting to hear.

  5. Well, Duuhh,, it's Ivan Raiklin.. The tiny picture on my Kindle just doesn't look like him..
    Okay, now I have his name,,

  6. Caption? “Sounds like a lot of true patriots lists just grew”

  7. Thanks for posting. Never heard of him. Now I follow him on X and Rumble.

    Enjoy your popcorn. I, however, will be consuming cigars and bourbon. To each his own...

  8. Caption - Total bull crap. This is total nonsense and distraction. Scratch the surface of Ivan and you'll find an egotistical self-serving grifter.

    1. It's so easy to toss insults and allegations about without any proof from behing an anonymous identity, isn't it?

    2. I don't troll at all. Just stating that facts that I know BS when I see it and hear it, and this is a clear-cut case of crapola empty bravado rhetoric. Don't be so butt hurt when your heroes are criticized. Many more high-profile 'patriots' will be exposed as phonies, just let them continue to talk. Most are simple grifters continually asking for a buck, making huge promises to expose all bad actors yet never delivering the goods. Gen. Mike Flynn is a prime examples and pal of ole Ivan's. Watch and wait and enjoy the show. Ivan will eventually fade away to insignificance.

    3. Keep frothing at the mouth, Anon. We aren't listening to your allegations and obfuscations.

    4. AnonymousMay 16, 2024 at 7:31 PM
      Throwing some crap out there too-some might call that trolling-do you know some actual facts, or are you just pissing in the wind yourself?

    5. Nice try to discredit fed boy.
      Is your name on the list?
      I swear, you FBLie guys need to work on your trolling skills. They're awful. Government sonsabitches.

    6. Another CIA troll working out of Ukrainistan.

  9. I have worked with Ivan and he's a solid guy. Need to reach back out to him, wasn't aware he was involved in this stuff. Irish you always have amazing content, glad I found this place.

  10. He's got a good point, local police work for mayors and city council, but Sheriffs swear oaths to the Constitution.
    I hope this works out.

    1. "...but Sheriffs swear oaths to the Constitution..."
      Same one xiden and his legion of communists swore to?

    2. Ghost, temper your cynicism. Some, know, understand and take the oath seriously. All LEO's, military, politicians are not compromised...duhh

    3. That is why the OathKeepers were such a target.

  11. Just more "Two more weeks" hopes and wishes from someone either larking as a badass or a deeper Fed.

    1. Yep, why wait. Lot of his comments are old incidents. Believe it when I see it.

    2. Yeah. …when I see it.

      I am hopeful, for the i’ve lost track of how oftenth, time.

      It just seems like too much water’s gone under the bridge. But maybe not?

      His resume is impressive. Possibly a little too impressive?

      Reiner Fuellmich Was convincing, too.

      If Ivan isn’t legit, nothing will happen. If he is, the international deep state can probably stop him,

      Anyway, thanks to F.I. for the info.

  12. my only concern (yes, I am paranoid): is Ivan Raiklin another FBI (or some other alphabet agency) sting?

    1. Boron, (((They))) have created so many false flags, false patriots, bad organizations, plots and conspiracies, that discerning the truth is difficult. We DO know that there ARE good forces countering them. Pray for them or wish them good fortune, I do.

  13. Ivan may be a great guy with solid evidence, but the Deep State club is deep. The Republican politicians are members of that club and I doubt they'll want to rock the boat.

  14. Always allegedly something. Some great news. Some bombshell. Turns out to be a dud. He sounds like another Lin Woods (Also an attorney! Lol)

  15. If most (or even 50%) is true, make this guy DOJ IG. I'm sure there is some self promotion here, but... No long drawn out investigations, prove several felonies, then give them the choice of a cell with Leroy Bubba or exile to some remote island in the south pacific well below the tropic of Capricorn with no more than blanket and 3 days of food.

    1. I hear Camp Freedom on Diego Garcia is a pleasant stay this time of year...

  16. I'm getting tired of "I have proof of this conspiracy...." and then nothing comes of it.


    stop talking. stop telling us you have proof. DO IT. pull the damned trigger on it instead of blah blah blah.

  17. he goes way too far into the weeds. and he makes promises of people whom he has no authority over.

    my dad told me once how to spot a fake Vietnam vet..or any fake veteran for that matter..

    "those who talk about it, probably weren't there, those who were there, probably don't talk about it."

    if he really has all the goods here, like he claims to, he would have no need to keep jawing about it. I get the impression he is almost trying to convince himself as much as the reporter.

  18. If he has any belief in Mike Johnson I have doubts about where any of this goes.

    1. Mike Johnson is a total sellout, a fake Christian, and has given the Biden/Obama regime every damned thing they have wanted, betraying all Americans.

  19. Thanks Irish! will research him and time will tell. I hope you are prepared for some sort of reprisals (DDoS, or personal). These demons we war against have abilities we lack.
    An always great site!

  20. I've never heard of this guy. I watched about 20 of his past videos on "X" and he's been saying basically the same things for 3 years now. He's also shown right in the middle of some congressional meetings. I'm getting vibes he might be a fed trying to entrap people, but I could be wrong. Me being from South Carolina, he reminds me of Lindsey Graham. He talks the talk, but it's always "Stay tuned", and he never walks the walk. If we've seen his videos, you can bet your last dollar the feds have seen them too, yet he's still free as a bird and still talking. I'm seeing a few red flags concerning him.

  21. The county courthouse where I live used to have two hanging trees out back. Over the years, one died , but the surviving one is a massive red oak with more than enough sturdy branches to still be of service...

  22. I had not heard of this guy before; thanks for posting. We've been disappointed by similar folks in the past and while I hope he's for real, only time will tell.

  23. All well and good, but I won't holding my breath for anything to happen to any of the traitors. I'm going to continue with my preparations for the coming Hard Times and drinking beers on my porch in the evening, keeping watch over my little corner of paradise.

    Cheers! 🍺

  24. Brothers Ivan is the man to lead this shit show cluster fuck nation back into its inherent greatness. I hope he kicks these treasonous kikesuckers out of office and restablishes the constitution and law and order and have a government for the american people. God Bless America

  25. I’ll believe it when I see it but I can’t help but hope and pray for some real justice. This nation has, and still means too much to the sanity of the world. There has to be a tipping point and I hope we haven’t passed it. The ruler of this world is winning. Best be prepared for the next.

  26. I would LOVE to see those cockroaches that infest the government strung up (or at least jailed) but so far I've only seen idle threats made regarding them.


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