Tuesday, June 27, 2023

I don't think these "confused" people understand the sort of "jokes" and games mamas, daddy's, grandmas, granddaddy's, aunts, uncles, etc. play when someone messes with their kids.



  1. ...or a father using a nail studded baseball bat to drive the point home that his children are not to be messed with.


  2. kinda like i was told when i was a kid. keep that shit up and you're gonna be laughing outa the other side of your face. 'ceptin i don't think when it gets down to it them things aint gonna have much of a face left.

  3. Let's not forget the grandparents. MANY of us would join in on the "fun"...

  4. May be funny to THEM, but t'ain't (see what I did there?) funny to me, McGee.
    Fortunately, I live in a quiet, conservative, white-bread suburban neighborhood.
    Otherwise, I'd be typing this to you on a borrowed computer behind gray bars.

    President Elect B Woodman

  5. ...We need to show our OUTRAGE in places more public than this!!!

    1. More talk and idle threats oughta work.

  6. Fuck with MY children and they wont find all the pieces of you, period. Wont apologize for that statement, either. FUCK those creepy pedo faggots.

  7. And if we stand outside their ropes during a march and chant "We're going to cut off your dicks and feed them to you." Do you think they'd find that an amusing joke?

  8. He ain't just whistlin' Dixie. It'd be time to de-fag and un-dyke the whole damn country.

  9. Come after my kids and some poor guy at United Rentals is going to have a very bad afternoon cleaning your goo out of a wood chipper.

    1. I'd vote for you for king of the universe.

  10. What makes a Threat an actionable event? I'm not a lawyer. But I try to pay attention. Seems that
    Means,motive and opportunity are important. Since the government and media are working together to try to make astroturf look organic and are strong arming our society into a civil war, it's pretty obvious that when they Say they are coming for our kids,they bloody well Mean it, and THEY are the Proxy enemies. The government WANTS us to take matters into our own hands. They are fukkin Sick to Death of our restraint. They hid the video that PROVED no investigation was needed, refusing to release it, due to an Ongoing Investigation, while the drumbeat on the news was Gentle Giant shot down by racist white cop.. And as soon as they were forced to release the video,, BOOM ,,No investigation was needed. The video PROVED the cop Needed to shoot him.

    Our GOVERNMENT chose to fan the flames,,
    No, don't go after the proxy army..

  11. Unless you Catch someone,, I hit publish before I was ready..
    Be wise, keep your family away from freaks. Of Course, having a few meetings with teachers and staff, just being interested, asking reasonable questions ,making sure everyone understands just how precious the children are..
    You can stand the FBI dragging you out of your house,,
    Yeah,, I forgot about how the parents were treated because they went to a school board meeting and forgot to supportive of the queer agenda.

  12. That would be the biggest mistake of your lives. Adults won't have you messing with their kids/grandkids OR great grandkids. You'll get to see how hot hell really is.

  13. Burning at the stake no longer seems unreasonable...

  14. look up Ocala Fl pedophile headless body left on judges door step for example

  15. I'm reminded of an early story arc I read in Little Orphan Annie(Stay with me, It's relevant). An out of control hippie-ish teen was in some local jail, and there was an older con in there. The kid was selling woof tickets, told the older con "You touch me and I'll spit on you." Older con laughed, grabbed the kid's scraggly beard and laughingly responded "Shore, yew do that. And the next time you spit'll be after you growed a NEW FACE." The kid kept quiet after that.
    Stay safe


  16. they are mostly gangstalkers, some real retards and some useful seriously useful idiots, and its astro-turf, a whole organized theatrical operations for the cabal yellow media complex, to mind-fuck us good folks.
    not in any way downplaying the dead to nuts seriousness of this in any way, but knowing the truth is half way to effectively dealing with whats happening here. because its low intencity terror and reprisal operational art, basically cultural genocide and brain washing. very complex in the sense thats its operational on so many levels. first is getting past the situation here that none if it is in any real way that matters, natural or organic ( except many in this theater are organic to an almost incomprehensible sized intell-surveillance system, ie agents provocateurs), having anything to do with how our culture and civilization works. you got to get that perception these are just unhinged perverted idiots who need a louisville skugger readjustment, they are agents of something which puts them to work to undermine subvert and destroy everything as Vox Day puts it, the good the beautiful and the truth, and after you fit this into your personal paradigm it becomes a lot easier to get your mind rapped around the larger aspects of what is going on. sure do these assholes need some just desserts? oh hell yeah, but its really ourselves us good folks, its up to us, all of us as in it all begins with each of outselves then its a whole shitload of us who take matters into our own hands, then is when the fun starts, then its woodchipper time, and its the whole line up of assholes, yeah these small fry here they just need to go, every one of them, but its up into the structure of this "thing", which at the top are the truly evil ones, the "special" bloodline families/organizations and their most valued effective agents who set about making their orders into action, you begin getting these actors now your talking effective 5th-6th G Warfare, and its these upper level asshole servants of the way too long existance of these bloodlines and their base of power, because taking out the low hanging fruit gangstalkers and other lower level assholes here is just going to provide tactical data for the overlords of this global organized crime gang consortium of long time bloodline families. it is both the various orders of the black sun and orders of the dragon, especially their top captains, the ones who set about telling everyone below that family level what their instructions are, its these ones who we all got to be concerned about, either by nullifying their actions and orders from on high or taking them all out. but theres good things begun and essntialy something really remarkable is taking place right now and over the next 2 weeks, its a serious as a heart attack problem for this global criminal network, they have run out of money, in other words allocations, critical word here, allocations of traunches of wealth are no longer being allocated within the system of monetary control they maintain and totally depend in to sustain operations thus power. and they are very upset. pretty soon there will be no funds, to basically pay all who are in this cabal performing various clown world acts exactly like these pervs and pedos who need to know what reality really is. it is when we finally get to see whats really going in and do something about it that is effective.


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