Sunday, November 6, 2022

This Right Here....










  1. The worst part is that I like The Donald, and should he run in '24, I'm gonna vote for him, if for no other reason because the Dems have fallen off the Left Side of the (political) Spectrum (which is not to say that many Republicans haven't as well).
    But, (just my feeling) he shudda canned Fauci, I can't believe he got scammed - and that worries me - and, what's worse, he both backed and pushed the scam - on national TV.
    I saw this same type of scam being run on the American people back in '70s by pretty much the same people (CDC+), but they just couldn't make it work when it became apparent that only the male homosexuals were at high risk, no matter what sort of nonsense they managed to get published in the major media.
    But I'm still worried how The Donald's COVID performance will affect the election in '24.

    1. By endorsing the shot and initiating Operation Warp Speed President Trump saved us from years and years of lockdowns while the NWO and its political accolades implemented their great reset. And if we waited 5-8 years for the FDA to approve a vaccine. It would be mandatory. The shots are experimental, FDA hasn't approved any of the Covid shots. They are only used due to the EUA, which FJB just renewed for another 90 days, even though IMO the so-called emergency is over.

      The MSM was hoping Trump would go anit-vax, but he said it is up to the individual to make an informed decision.

      Trump forced the entire process and narrative to happen in one year before he left office and then left big pharma holding the bag.

      It would be political suicide to take any other position, regardless of how he felt privately.

      As he has said many times, we are at war and a wartime president knows we can't totally eliminate casualties of war.

      The goal is limiting deaths and the destruction to the nation by whatever steps are available.

      This is not about one man but when the dust settles and when people have had time to comprehend the magnitude of what Trump has done he will go down as the greatest leader that our nation and this planet have ever seen.

      He told us what he was doing, who he was fighting, he told us he had to step away to allow the Deep State expose itself and wake up the masses.

      This is the truth IMO to how Trump has been fighting this war and exposing the Deep State and Big Pharma for who they are.

    2. Reasonable assessment with one exception, would you mind explaining the isreal connection?

    3. The connection is very simple. With all of the substantial issues that Anon above just covered, you ignored or glossed them and then zeroed in on an off topic item that wasn't even raised. Such an obsession! With such obsession among members of the public, no other "connection" is required to explain why a real leader would take a stand.

  2. Nobody seems to remember that Fauci wrote a paper that said masks were ineffectual and actually were harmful... during the Spanish Flu epidemic. A virus that was far more deadly than Covid.

  3. I will vote for Trump if he runs. And DeSantis after him. Donald at least woke some people up about the deep state. We need to de fang the agencies we have stood up. FBI, CIA, ATF are three that need to be detained or eliminated.

    I hope this lady gets a lot of likes and her voice rings out.

  4. Sundance is really down on DeSantis. So much I wonder how a mole for Crist would be any different.

  5. I went over to the Link, and the blue check twitterites are trying to savage her as an anti vaxxer and a trumper.

  6. DeSantis endorsing a never-Trumper in Colorado gives some credence to Sundance's arguments.

  7. Fuck 'em all.

    Bear Claw

  8. No COVID amnesty!!
    You screwed the pooch, now he's gonna bite you big time.


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