Friday, November 11, 2022

"Johnny, there are no chicks with d*cks only guys with t*ts..."







MISS GREATER DERRY: Biological male teen wins Miss America in beauty pageant in New Hampshire <<<<<


So, this Dude, took away a scholarship from a young woman and the indoctrinated cheer this on.

WE, are oh so f*cked.  

Put a fork in it. It's over.

Time to go Galt.


  1. And (s)he's not even that good looking.
    See how the other ACTUAL female contestants applaud like seals. Indoctrinated. Totally indoctrinated.
    Maybe that explains why the other ACTUAL female contestants didn't gang up and do an "Orient Express" on his skanky ass.

    President Elect B Woodman

    1. Amazing what a half-ton of makeup can do for someone who looks like a beached elephant seal.

    2. Looks like, and is as big as...

    3. What'd he do? Eat the losers?

  2. the most disgusting part is all the little bints clapping and cheering for it

    1. They don't care. The parents will pay for their college. Who needs a scholarship.

    2. Watch "Family Feud" on TV and you'll see the same jumping, clapping, ignorant emotional-reacting stooges. We're DOOMED as a culture.

    3. Too many white whimen have ceased being a 50% partner in security of Western Civilization. This is a significant problem most won't touch with a 100 foot pole. I am not one of them.

  3. Our fathers didn't bleed and die to stop fascism and communisim just for us to lose our civilization to these vile creatures.

  4. Well, the feminazi's always were against beauty pagents...

  5. No... fuck'em cunts couldn't leave men's spaces alone the had to go all scorched earth on men's only colleges, they had to destroy the Boy Scouts, they had to fuck up the military because "we are woman hear us roar". just as smart just as strong. now men can be wahmen and men can get pregnant and we want to kill our babies... Nope fuck'em. They made their bed let them sleep in it. It is time for us to separate from the herd and live and love our kind in spite of this Sodom and Gamora world. get back to the Book and unfuck yourself!

  6. I feel the same way when I look at what has become of Ireland. My ancestors fought the English for 800 years and finally achieved the Republic for what? A queer, half Indian leader, third world invader migrants? And less than majority Irish by 2050 if not sooner?

  7. Isn't Derry where coke-head King based all them fucked-up stories in?

  8. Greater Derriere. Indeed. That is clear.

  9. I'm effing disgusted. Saw this yesterday at CFP and almost puked. Go read the comments over there.


  10. Every woman in the competition should have walked out, held a news conference and sued!

  11. Lol...looking forward to the day when the "Miss" American pageant is nothing but mentally ill men posing as women. That should really bring in the sponsors. Disgusting. Amerika is Sodom and Gomorrah.

    1. And the Book of Ezekiel predicts the "War of Mog and Magog" as a precursor to the Second Coming. The evil in the world will hit a boiling point and the fire and brimstone will commence.

    2. This stiffnecked people looking for a sign.
      Well, here's your sign. Behold, this is one of a multitude of such signs.

  12. And then they Stood there and cheered the fat,ugly Man who was awarded the title in spite of it being an alleged Beauty Pageant. Reality is turned on its head. How can any society hope for its children to grow up sane, I Mean SANE, in a world where reality is chosen at the whim of the mentally deranged?

  13. Be thankful they don't have a swimsuit competition anymore...

  14. If the girls are alright with that, then they deserve the consequences.

  15. I put this picture on my facebook page. The whole thing really pisses me off. I am sick to death of mentally ill people running this country. It is criminal as far as I am concerned.

  16. Aren't you in New Hampshire? Is there a better place to go Gault?

  17. "outstanding achievements in scholastic aptitude, talent, character, community service, and poise"

    If you (claim? you) can not understand that this, is. explicitly. WHY!, s/he "won"...
    then no one will ever be able to correct your own lying eyes.

    So, yes. You "win!". Again.

  18. "time to go Gault" ... I was thinking along the lines of "Time to go Henry Bowman"


  19. When we go to Brazil to visit my wife's family, in public she'll often point out the most beautiful/sexy/slutty/hopefully all 3/ women passing by. She doesn't have a jealous bone in her body BUT, every now and again, like playing MineSweeper, she'lll point one out, I'll say 'wow' or something, and then she'll laugh, loud, and say "Hah! That's a man, honey, you're gay now." It happened enough that I stopped answering her and won't acknowledge her anymore with woman-spotting.
    Seriously, over there often enough nobody can see the difference from more than 5 feet away... but here, no. That's frigging Kim Jong Un in drag. Nobody's doing that poor obese kid any favors.

  20. Hey, my wife is a Brasilera too! We actually have a condo there and go as often as we can. This guy is a poor example of womanhood, maybe with years of psychiatric treatment there will be a modicum of recovery. Anyone know what the 'bounceback' rate for this type of individual is? It would make an intriguing psychological study.

    1. "Bouceback"?
      From how high?
      And how many times?

      President Elect B Woodman

  21. Replies
    1. "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Galt

  22. Am I the only one thinking “Manatee”?

    1. Emphasis on "MAN"atee.... Seriously though, look at all the dimwitted hoes cheering for that fat faggot! Disheartening at best.

  23. Interesting 'Trophy' He's got there, the shape reminds me of......?.

  24. Nastygram to normies!

  25. So much for Feminism. REVOLTING.


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