Monday, October 7, 2024

What is 'Disaster Equity' You Ask?









  1. Are they having us on? What would the headlines have read for Sodom & Gomorrah? As per Paul's Letter to the Romans, sodomy is God's Judgment, a curse sent as punishment for sin, in that it consists of more sin, making damnation even worse. God have mercy on us all.....yet His Will be done.

    Stefan v.

  2. It's "Screw white, heterosexual Americans!"
    We're gonna need a lot of rope....

  3. Traitors each one

  4. IIRC, "equity" is a value of a property based on the amount of work done on that property (doesn't have to be a house or land); example "sweat equity" on a house from work that you have done above and beyond the contractors' work, to add value.
    Using "equity" as the DildoCrats have been doing lately, what does that even mean? "Disaster equity"? What (additional) work has been done to make the disaster more valuable?
    So anyone that comes up to me and uses "equity" for a SJW cause, is gonna get an "equity" right in the face. Value that!
    President Elect B Woodman

  5. They're not even concerned about the whole situation because they know the "fix" is already in for the election.

  6. The leftists take the government jobs. I cannot convince the new generations to change the government from the ground up.

  7. My eyes rolled so far back during that nonsense that I saw my past life.

    The really sad part is that these morons are dead serious and really believe they're nailing it.

    1. And getting paid to do this with your tax money.

    2. yeah, they are that stupid. and you will not believe how much those morons make too !
      as my dad used to say, "shit always floats to the top"

  8. Biden-Harris Admin has been a total wreck on this country.

  9. I started hearing this story on Glenn Beck's show last week. He said it was right there on the FEMA website but I didn't see it. Could have been under some tab or something other than the top page. City gets wiped out? No big deal, it's just something the dead white men built. Unless it can be tied to any of the preferred groups, then it's suddenly a national priority.

  10. "We are victims and therefore must receive 'compensation'".
    "We are democrats and therefore must receive 'compensation'".
    "We are mentally defective and therefore must receive 'compensation'".

  11. Just understand that our military is infected with this too. It is unlikely that we will win WW III BUT we will lose it with the most BIPOC generals and Admirals.

  12. Sounds like they're pushing a war on fags.

  13. The last people to get assistance are those that contributed the most to this country. Those that worked, those that served, those that obeyed the law... that last part may be coming to an end.

  14. Guys,,that's just code for "Get to the MAGAs" DeaD last. Heavy on the DeaD..

  15. The only kind of "Disaster Equity" in existence - when miserable fucking .gov sees to it that everyone is equally miserable.

  16. Time for The Committee ... past time, really.

  17. There is a certain amount of absurdity in railing against the government, identifying them as the enemy, and then expecting them to help you.

  18. There are two parts to this:

    One is that lgbtqtiaxr4ti's are incapable of helping themselves because they live in a fantasy world and are incapable of dealing with anything outside of that.

    The other is that TPTB are trying really hard to provoke us. They want us to push back, with force preferably, so they can justify a lockdown, martial law and the confiscation of firearms. There have been other postings of "At what point do we stop believing them and push back", so the sentiment is growing.

    They'd love for it to get to critical mass before the election.

    1. That's how they win - we recognize their stolen "authority" as legitimate-it's not.

    2. They might love it - until they finally understand the meaning of "cold rage".

  19. The Regulators were a group of North Carolina colonists who fought against corrupt government officials in a series of insurrections from 1765 to 1771:

  20. The Regulators were a group of North Carolina colonists who fought against corrupt government officials in a series of insurrections from 1765 to 1771:

  21. I believe it's "equity is a disaster."

  22. Those people are sick. And sickening.


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