Thursday, October 10, 2024

Valid Questions For A Neighbor...









  1. The idiots who support Harris and the the left are simply TOO STUPID to grasp the connection between who is in power and what is happening. They actually believe that all the bad things happening are Trump's fault. They are immune to reason, facts and logic.

  2. I passed a new shiny Yukon yesterday on the way into work. Stuck right to the paint was a Harris/Walz sticker. The first I've seen. I ended up parked side by side at a stop light with the 40 something year old woman. The questions on that list ran through my mind. The Republic is at stake. And if they cheat again it will be obvious. When the vote totals are twice the population it's going to stick out.

    1. it was obvious last time and it still made no difference.

    2. Last time... we had previously (2016) seen the cheat overcome by sheer volume... and there was clearly more support... so the cheat last time (Nov 2020) was blatant... still... There was the courts....until by Dec2020, the courts had abdicated their duty to even hear the evidence, as the court of original jurisdiction and therefore the *only* court that could hear the case.... still... There was "stop the steal"... the Q was big with that one... Throughout it all there appeared to be some kind of hope... and then they locked everybody up.

      This time is unique. We know in advance that there is no vote, no court, no appeal, no redress. Only one box left, and we've had four years, and the "shutdown" to stew over it.

      This time is different.
      Will the results be different? Dunno... I'm not counting on any support from my fellow man, and I'm not going to be starting *anything*... but...

      This time I am different.
      Feels like there are many things worth dying for now.
      And I've had time to prepare.
      I will not submit to any more humiliation rituals.
      Not a one.
      no matter how trivial.

  3. DOJ investigation in 3,2....

  4. I finally saw someone's house with harris/walz signs thruout their yard. 81 million votes coming right up.

    1. I finally seen one today too. First one. I wanted to go back and fire bomb it.

    2. For burglars, it's less likely that the inhabitants of the house are armed, do physical labor and thereby are fit and strong... or that their neighbors are likely to come to their aid.

  5. I like those signs. Let's you know where the dumbasses live.akes it easier to avoid them

    1. “Keep calm and identify enemy collaborators” is my sign.

  6. In CT (Long Story), the Harris/Walz signs are more than I am comfortable with (no surprise). The pro-abortion sign that gets to me is "Vote as if your granddaughter's rights depended on it." My first thought was, "Vote as if your unborn granddaughter's life depended on it."

    1. Imagine the irony of Chelsea Clinton, an only child, stridently supporting her mothers right to have an abortion.

  7. College “Education”, no life experience = fake, gay, retarded.

  8. It's interesting that flying an American flag puts you in the Trump supporters column.

    1. Exactly. Fly the Hamas flag, the Palestinian flag, you're all good! Pride flag, cops will protect your home 24/7... But hang an American Flag off your home in America, and you're considered a traitor to Democracy.
      How inverted... how fucking retarded do you have to be to believe the drivel the media and politicians spew today?

  9. Sadly , mental health issues need to be addressed in this country for obvious reasons.
    Make America Sane Again!

  10. I mailed a note to the very first yard sign. I made it known that it was their duty to their party, to house an illegal migrant family. To provide housing, food, and health care. The sign was removed. This was prior to the debates.

  11. It comes down to one simple question, and it's very binary, pass-fail: Are you being lied to?

    The people you see w/ those signs, are unable to believe that the government, media, et al., are now, and have been for decades, lying to them. It's simply not possible in their paradigm.

    Like a massive version of The Truman Show where the NPC's don't even know they're NPC's.
    You can point out the various frauds over the years, even published government papers admitting to it (MK Ultra, etc.), and they will nod and say "Yes, that's true" b/c it's a gov pub'd document. But when you suggest that something like that is happening again right now, their answer is "not possible", "they wouldn't do that"... But yet you know they would because they admitted to doing it 60 years ago?!?!? Nah, they wouldn't do that to ME. I'd be able to tell I was being lied to. It would be all over the TV....

    Sigh.. they don't get it. They really don't. In their defense, they were never smart enough to rise above it.

    1. That is what it should be if people were reasonable and had common sense. The truth is many on the left simply hate most on the right. They would literally cut off their nose to spite their face. If you told them that Kamala and Walz will take away their rights, cause a war, probably trigger another great depression and use government force to jail and harm innocent people they would vote for them anyway because in their mind most of the Americans who would suffer would be conservatives. It really is that stupid.

  12. You'll never convince a died in the wool Demonrat that their party is anything but the saviors of the world. They just refuse to believe what is obvious to the rest of us. Some are waking up.



  13. Up here in the Upper Valley these signs are everywhere. A neighbor saw a bus load of likely illegals getting dumped off by the Lebanon green. A few of the Harris signs say “ We aren’t going back”, whatever TF that means. NH is falling - fortunately there’s enough patriots though, waiting. Hang in there.


  14. In my blue state, I'm seeing more Harris yard signs then I've ever seen before for a Dem candidate. Are they giving them out for free?
    I pay for my Trump/Vance signs and banners. I'm putting my first Trump sign out on Monday, in 2020 I lost four of them, I wonder how many I'll lose this time.
    And don't suggest I try to rig them in any way that could even discomfort a sign stealer/vandal; in this state I'd be arrested and charged for sure.

  15. Free speech even applies to those whose speech you disagree with. One should encourage those twits to publicly support the whore and gay pedo. Then you know where the enemy is located. But they still have the right to speak their piece without harassment. Don't fall to their level.

    1. 05:30
      "Don't fall to their level."?
      We need to violate every sense of decency, we need to annihilate BOLSHEVIKS.

  16. Gonna put some harris/ walz signs in some yards for my own pleasure


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