Sunday, October 13, 2024

Reason Number 873 Why Irish Choses Not To Fly....

 This person should be detained and put on a no-fly list as soon as the flight lands. 

Why should the other passengers have to be subjected to or have to tolerate this behavior?

Rhetorical question, I know.

Then, if it escalated and good citizens get involved, they are the ones that are punished.


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  1. A.) This is why one avoids discount carriers. B.) The pilot should have declared an emergency, diverted the plane to the nearest available airport, and had the law enforcement detain the woman, possibly for psychological evaluation.

    1. What good would that do? She apparently has diplomatic immunity.

    2. Omg that comment is hilarious

  2. She sounds even higher up the ladder and more important than Lalala.
    That pilot should indeed just obey her and nosedive into the ground.

  3. Sort of surprised there is only 873 reasons so far Irish. I hate flying and this just confirmed what I believe

  4. This is what happens when your meds get out of balance.

  5. I didn't know Amish people flew!

  6. I don’t have to worry about that kinda bullshit, I won’t fly. Driving across this great nation as I did as a kid on family vacation seeing Gods finest sculpturins is even more glorious these days than back then.

  7. Nobody had the balls to shut her up for the safety of the plane and its passengers?

    1. Nope, too many still give a fuck. I hate (terrified) to fly to start with. I would have tolerated this for about 30 seconds.

  8. I suggest this individual fly with Pinochet Air.
    One way fare.

    1. Uh, no.
      Half-way fare.

      They should have descended to 10,000', opened an exit door, and complied with her wishes to be put off the plane "immediately".

      Recidivism goes to 0% for her, and copycats on future flights would drop to 0% in about a week, after 2-3 such incidents.

      And the entertainment factor would be off the charts.

      Pro tip: Airlines, stop hiring corpulent box wine cat ladies as stewardesses. Start hiring road house bouncers. Give them blackjacks and tasers, and carte blanche immunity for putting passengers like this off in flight, from altitude.Think Indiana Jones getting rid of his Gestapo nemesis on the zeppelin, except from a lot higher up.

      Some entilted @$$holes like this twatwaffle would still fly, once, but the last part of their trip would be by flapping their arms.
      The rest would go back to Greyhound, Amtrak, or hopping freight train flatcars, where they belong.

      Decent non-crazy folks would return to air carriers in droves once a flight stopped being even odds of resembling catching a boxcar to Auschwitz, with the people turned out of mental institutions.

      Make Air Travel Great Again.

  9. That, folks, is what I call
    Slippin a cog.
    It just won't go back in gear..

    1. A lot of Amish suffer from this yes?

  10. I hope she was met at the destination by PD and escorted off in bracelets headed for a mental hold.

  11. someone has not been taking their meds...

  12. Day-umn ... and - of course.

  13. I just have to thank that lady who made this video. I think it is the funniest thing I have seen all week.

  14. I was totally shocked that the idiot who was talking out of her ass was a person of color.

  15. Damn them for closing the nuthouses anyway.

  16. As usual and typical...low IQ, no future-time orientation and no impulse control. I see it in public every single day in the DC area.

  17. You can only hope the flight keeps going and doesn't go back to land. That fucks everyone's day up.

    In the late 70's the U.S. started closing the mental asylums, out of 'compassion'. Now these crazies are just out amongst us. Another thing we can thank the Left for. Fuckers.

  18. She's living the dream, Irish.
    Living the dream.
    The rest of the poor passengers, not so much.

    1. I am late in years but this type of thing is why I decided to never fly coach, premium or business only. It costs a bit more but I don't have to listen to this type of nonsense. Especially on long flights.

  19. Frontier. A fine, upscale clientele.

  20. Was this a guess the race article?


  21. Talk to any Department of Corrections custody staff, and you will find this is part and parcel to their job. No reasoning with this view of reality. Don't even waste your time listening. They manage much better when their statements are not responded to. Observe, Orient, Identify, Decide, Act. If physical is not required, they wind down. If physical is required, it has to be overwhelming, direct, and maintainable restraint.
    Staff did well walking away, so the passenger shut up, sat down. Arrest required.

    1. Her secretary of state will have a very stern letter submitted to the airline.

  22. Rooooooolll another one, just like the other one. Cause you been holdin on to it, and I sure would like a hit!

  23. Have you ever noticed; that type of person will use 4 and 5 and 6 syllable words to make themselves seem intelligent? And they always use dem dar words in the wrong context? And it really makes them look sttoooopid!??!

  24. Daughter#2 and her family live on the east coast and have traveled a couple'o times to see us here on Frontier. It is cheapest, of course, but they are also the only carrier with non-stop service. They've reported no problems.

    The wife and I will travel there on Frontier around the end of the month, but I remain suspicious.

    I am a retired airline pilot and once had to divert into Denver to discharge an unruly woman. It was an all-night flight from Las Vegas to New York (which should have been my first clue) and as soon as we reached cruise altitude, this woman got up, and wouldn't stop shouting at everyone. There was some wine involved (it wasn't long being a Captain that I grew to hate alcohol on planes), and she being a gypsy, this woman was casting spells on everyone and their children. She absolutely refused to listen to the Flight Attendants and when the head FA called me to say that she'd had enough, we turned towards DEN.

    Anyway, on arrival at the gate at 2am, standing right there in the jetway waiting for us, was the FBI, who hauled her off in handcuffs.

    About 80% of me hopes for dull and routine flight out to see the grandkids. But I have to admit that 20% of me hopes for an experience that will have the wife swear off of Frontier.


  25. Hot tip - don't fly cheap ass airlines. they are the Greyhound Bus of air travel. Save your money, pay for a real airline. As for the suggestion that the pilot divert and land to have the passenger removed by LEOs - out of consideration for all of the other passengers I'm sure the pilot would not fuck up their days unless absolutely necessary. If I were on the plane, I would rather put up with minor BS than have my whole schedule screwed up.

    1. Funny you should mention Greyhound. In the 70s, when I was young and broke, I would travel by bus. One time going from Indianapolis to Cleveland, this crazy broad got up and start loudly going on about being queen of America and other nonsense. After about a half hour of it, driver pulled off and told her to get off the bus. Everyone cheered. I think that was one of my last bus trips.

  26. That is no lady. She barely qualifies as a human being. Lady has a meaning much like gay and both have been bastardized.

  27. I thought Kamala flew on govt planes. I gave up flying when Biden-Harris put DEI into affect on the Air Traffic Control and most Air Carriers started to get stupid. I can drive safer.

  28. She's off her meds
    But that not what this is about.

  29. She didn’t GO crazy, she brought it on the plane with her.

  30. She own dis bitch!

  31. I didn’t vote for her


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