Monday, October 14, 2024

Meanwhile In The Town Of Hanson ASSachusetts.... You Can't Make This Shit Up....

 I was surfing the twitter and this showed up in my feed:

After a little digging, here's the story:


 HANSON, Mass. —

Town officials brought in a flood light to reduce the visibility of a Trump campaign logo being projected onto a Massachusetts water tower. However, it could still be seen on Friday night.

NewsCenter 5 saw the competing lights on Friday night in the area of High Street in Hanson. The projector displaying the Trump 2024 campaign logo appeared to be set up in a nearby backyard.

“This misleads the public into believing that this activity is sanctioned by or condoned by the Town," Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green said in a statement.

“The Hanson Police Department is aware of a political image that is being projected onto a town water tower and is looking into the matter," a police spokesperson said. "The Hanson Police Department does not endorse any political candidate or party or any such imagery being projected onto town property."

Town officials said Saturday that they planned to "issue the maximum fine of $100 per day" to the perpetrator who is in violation of Hanson's sign regulations. Additionally, they said that the fee is not sufficient to offset the taxpayer dollars that will be required for things like attorney fees and Highway Department staff overtime to activate the spotlight each night.

"As a governmental entity, the Town of Hanson does not endorse candidates for any office from any political party, nor does the Town allow political signs to be displayed on municipal property," officials said in a statement.

"I mean there’s a lot of other issues to be concerned with. Patrolling to make sure there’s not a projection on the tank. I mean, that’s foolish. It’s not money well spent at all," said Mike Smith, who lives nearby

 Watch the video at WCVB if you Like <<<<



  1. Those lights bulletproof?

  2. Project an image of Heels Up Harris and see what the reaction is. That will tell you all you need to know.

  3. Can't stop the signal.
    And generators are easy to sabotage, even if they are guarded...

    1. Don't sabotage it. Steal it. Disconnect it, hook it to a pickup, and haul ass down the road to TN or NC, there are good people down there that need the power. I'm sure the city fathers wouldn't mind donating to such a fine and worthy cause.
      President Elect B Woodman

  4. The Streisand Effect is real.

  5. Hey, free diesel, copper cables and other goodies. The town sure is nice to put them out for the meth heads.

  6. someone needs to tell the environmentalists to protest the generators.

  7. They narrator asked why? Fear, there is fear in the Uniparty and it's trickling down to the small towns.
    They didn't get him tossed into jail, a lone gunman missed & now they are messing with any & all ads that they can.
    There might be too many votes this time to overcome with private vote counting (last time) in the swing states.

  8. On November 9th of 2016 (the day after an election) half of the population in this country irretrievably short circuited the brain cells responsible for their basic logic and common sense thought. Almost 8 years later they still haven't recovered.

  9. Fuck the city, they didn't need to do shit. Wasting money is what Gov. does best.

  10. As with most government employees (attorney included), they get paid whether they do anything or not-- regardless of their incompetence. And, at a rate higher than their private sector counterparts.

  11. They should project Kameltoes campaign slogan and see if they make them take it down.

  12. They probably have cameras hidden in every tree and bush to catch any vandals

  13. "....the town of Hanson does not endorse.....candidates from any political party......"
    Suuuure, pull my other leg, see if you can make it just as long as my first one.
    I'd bet a paycheck swap that if the projector (person) were flashing pics of CamelToe and aWalz, the city board would be juuuuuust fine with it.
    "Change my mind".
    President Elect B Woodman

    1. The police union contributes millions of dollars to the democratic candidate, as do the Fire union, the electricians, City employee union - all of them. All a bunch of commies.

  14. We don't endorse anyone, but their actions leave no doubt as to who the town bureaucrats are voting for.

  15. They don't call 'em Massholes fer nuthin'.

  16. Is the local gov ensuring they've never flown an BLM / LGTBrbq / etc flag on public property? No rainbow street walks? Just asking.

  17. I side with the town. Would you like the town projecting KaMALA images on the side of your house? What about porn on the water tower? (I repeat myself.) I'm a Trump guy but this is just graffiti on public property. The answer is NOBODY gets to project anything onto public property. Rent a billboard and project there if you want.

    1. I have to agree with you. But it is funny as heck.

    2. First of all, he's NOT projecting the image "on the side of your house". He's projecting it on the side of PUBLIC PROPERTY. Big Big BIG DIFFERENCE. Second, voters in MA are mostly all notorious left wing loons. I know this because I have family there who are so far left they're all standing out on in Left Field wearing snow shoes waiting for a bunt. A Demonrat state and so are 99% of the towns and town government. THAT's the reason why Hanson's town government is up in arms about the projection. If the guy was projecting a Harris/Wallz 2024 sign on the water tower, nobody would be say anything about it.

      This is the same situation as the guy in PA last week who put a lighted Trump sign on the top of HIS OWN building. The town government sued the guy and made him cover it up, until he counter sued on First Amendment grounds and WON. The only reason it became an issue is because the town government is ALL Demonrat.

      ...and to think MA is the state where the American Revolution started. The Founders are ALL spinning in their graves to see what has become of the Republic they founded.


  18. 34 years later and I'm still glad I self-deported from Massholistan.
    - WDS

    1. 50 years this year for me. Although, where I moved to has slowly become more Masshole like in certain respects because the people that followed didn't leave their political leanings behind.


  19. Here in Australia, it's a little bit more subdued and slightly different, but it's still the same, if you get my drift. You Yanks (said with total respect as good friends we are, as we have have been for the last 200+ years ), are VERY passionate and Partisan, pretty much about everything, and that is rightfully so, paid for, and won hard, back in 1776. Family is everything. Family is our Bedrock. Family is the Foundation of our Nation(s), our Culture, our Life, our reason for being, our existence, Family, is time, and 'THEIR', Future. There are those that seek desperately, with every Evil machination they possess, to render apart, to divide and destroy Family. Choose wisely.

  20. "Additionally, they said that the fee is not sufficient to offset the taxpayer dollars that will be required for things like attorney fees and Highway Department staff overtime to activate the spotlight each night."

    Here's a solution: don't spend taxpayer dollars on it. You're welcome. I'll mail you a bill.

  21. Keep calm and stock up. Oh, and, plink out those pesky floods.


  22. Seems like a waste of taxpayer dollars to install generators and spotlights. Plus the global warming impact!


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