Sunday, October 13, 2024

Broken Teleprompter, Real Men For Harris Cringe Worthy Ad and Bath-house Barry Calling Out The Brothers....

 Sky New has a laugh at the democratic clown show.

  Over at VOX POPOLI there is  THIS POST regarding the Ad that most thought was from the 

Babylon Bee. ( HT to Bear Claw )

Whilst I was perusing the twitter earlier I found this clip taking obambi to the woodshed.

She holds no punches and doesn't mince her words, that's for damn sure.

Barry done piss off lots of people.

Caution for lots of cussin' and the use of words that we aren't allowed to say. 







  1. Fake, gay, retarded, childish.

    1. Clickbait, maybe?
      There may be some undercurrent of accuracy in her monologue, but the ballad of "Black Votes Are Moving Away From Democrats In Record Numbers" has been played every election season and it always falls with a thud.

    2. Well I was referring to the white guys for Harris video.

      I do not watch the videos that are all the rage right now of black’s suddenly developing common sense.

      It’s been 160 years. Yeah I am real happy for you .Don’t expect me to lick your boots because you acquired something most of us should be born with.

      I will not further assist in inflating your already unjustly bloated self esteem.

    3. I missed your reference for some reason, but I got it on second look; fake, gay, and retarded is far too kind for the first video.

  2. I'd like to have dinner with her and her man. That would be an interesting and memorable evening, especially if my wife came along; I'll buy :).

  3. You know a Demonrat candidate is serious chit when SNL shreds you. SNL took Kamel Toe to the woodshed last night according to reports.


  4. I wonder if they're MAN enough to vote for, say, Sarah Palin? (Actually, I don't like her for president, either. How about Condi Rice? Tulsi Gabbard? Kari Lake, even?) Ah, well. I guess I'll just have to live with some soy boy Democrat's opinion of my manhood.

  5. The Kneepad Queen is just as black as Obama and half as black as most American blacks. So Obama has some balls telling black men they are racists for not supporting a DEI candidate. By the way what had Obama ever done besides go down on white queers in Boy's Town?

    1. The only black DNA in Kamel Toe was put there by Willie Brown and Montel Williams.


  6. well, it is kind of funny and sad that they have sunk to this level. when they have to drag old Bozo out to tell the brothers to vote for that dumb bitch is very telling. BTW, a lot of the blacks have realized that Bozo did nothing for them at all. rich white dudes , yes. them, nothing. and the fucking stupid ads are beyond stupid.
    real men my ass. and that moron Waltz hunting ? yeah, right. all of his gear was brand new for one thing.
    and he had problems loading a shotgun, that he owns ? again, right. even the wife thought it was stupid.
    at first she thought it was a SNL skit until I told her no. it is a real ad.
    and knee pads media blitz ? every time she opened her mouth she show everyone just how stupid she is.
    there is no way they going to hide the cheat as big as it needs to be to beat trump. neck and neck in the polls.
    yeah, right.

  7. If only Australia's government was as free as their news is honest.

  8. If voting could bring change you wouldn't be allowed to do it. Trump may be our only hope. That said the Messiah is coming and he wears a tiny hat.

  9. The shame is that blacks have been deluded into thinking the Democrats ever cared about them as anything other than a voting block. Too bad they didn't read LBJ's remarks on passing all the welfare laws.

  10. Oh, go ahead and say the words ...

  11. I still cannot get my head around the thought of 'not doing enough for blacks'. Are they still looking for that 40 acres and a mule? Oh, and Paul V - those remarks have been hidden from most search engines.

  12. Me think we b’ing set up for a fall and resulting CW. Understand that Agenda 2030 ( that used to be Agenda 2021until T got in in 2016) can’t fail this time....do you understand the emphasis on “ Can’t Fail” ? Repeat these two words 10 times, each time feeling the deep deep tissue feel that 2030 won’t change again.

    it’s the perfect plan to eliminate the Deplorables. Up their confidence then destroy it at 3 am when the machines hiccup due to a server in Iran. This results is several T followers going wacko, martial law declared, the end.

  13. Well said girl, I enjoyed hearing that.


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