Monday, May 6, 2024

Now Taking Bets.... How Long Does She Last?









  1. She forgot the Depends for, you know, the thing.
    Steve S6

  2. Pretty face. Too bad if it gets messed up by a baton. Should focus on her studies, like an adult would.

  3. Man...so many mental issues. I love how she uses the word "encampment" instead of "illegal trespassing".

    If someone set up an "encampment" in her dorm room, she'd be pretty pissed and demand the police/security do something.

  4. I'll bet her panties were soaking wet by the time she finished making the video. She is all focused on the endorphin rush of 'protesting' to the point there isn't a quite voice asking 'if I need to wear all this heavy stuff is it a good idea for me to even be there????' . Motocross armor isn't going to stop bullets, child.

  5. ANTIFA propagandist.

    1. Yes. She isn’t delusional. She’s one of the liars.

  6. She's cute, but the stupid is strong

  7. Even through all that armor, "she's" (yes, I'm assuming gender, so sue me) going to get hurt.
    Plastic paintball "armor" is not a magic shield of protection.
    As a well read web site used to advocate, "head and hips, boys and girls, head and hips".
    You may not kill them, but they'll be hurt enough to collapse and be down for the count, whimpering, if not screaming in agony & pain.
    Go for the head with a paint ball, if you're lucky (snicker) enough to hit the goggles, they'll make a raccoon mask, and make her blind from the paint.
    President Elect B Woodman

  8. Is that for Real? She and her ilk are the victims? Bounce rubber bullets off the ground is the law? Just how fast can she run in all that stuff?

  9. Sweetie, put down daddy's MasterCard and back away from the Amazon site slowly! And please do another narcissistic video about how you're going to get your keffiyeh on over your shiny new helmet that will never see a drop of Zionist or police brutality pepper spray!

    This is the poster child (emphasis on child) for what Bill Mahr meant by "...seems kind of privilege-y." in his rant last week about these lawbreakers pretending to be protesters.

    We're doomed.

  10. She is the fascist.

    1. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

      ... and the true problem we face. She's half the country. Dear Lord, we're fighting the people we're trying to save?! It's like the cop that gets ambushed by the woman when he puts the cuff's on her abusive boyfriend... Wimmens. They're fucking deranged.

    2. Without noticing the 'abusive' boyfriend has been bitch-whacked for years without fighting back until he finally snapped.

  11. How long? Until it's not fun; 10 seconds after the first volley.

  12. She is cute - I think someone else already said that. BUT, that sure is alot of stupid in one location.

  13. it would appear that a large percentage of people these days going to college are idiots.

  14. I seem to remember the tea party rallies, where no one camped, no one wore armor, some of us were armed, and we left the place cleaner than we found it.

  15. Bring back conscription (for all sexes). My USMC DI’s of 1/70 to 5/70 would feast on these children. Those gentlemen had a way to make one see the light. Also, think of the labor the conscripts would provide, such as policing hamas protests.

    1. Indeed. God bless those DI's. Made men out of us and brought us into the world proper. My second home away from home.

  16. At least that pretty mouth is unprotected...
    Open wide for incoming!!!!

  17. So much fail in that clip, but I expect she is (or is about to become) a professional victim even if she doesn't realize it at the moment. I'd say she'll wise up real quick when she refuses that first lawful order, but based on her self posted guide how not to properly protect yourself infomercial - I not clear that she has the ability to learn from her mistakes.

  18. There's 3 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

  19. I couldn't watch the whole thing. Too stupid.

    1. Me either. About the time she said that the police were required to bounce rubber bullets off the ground, I knew she lived in delusion-ville and I gave up any hope for her.

  20. Just for reference, there haven't been any pro-Hamas riots at Kent State.

    So apparently, one whiff of .30-06 lasts for at least 54 years.

    Don't think her crap is rated Level IV either.
    Just saying.

    1. I live in Kent and every May 4 it's an influx of 70's Hippies reliving their glory days and berating the country they so gladly make money in.

  21. Funny how it only gets labeled "fascist" when its directed at THEM. Hint little girl....this country has been FASCIST/COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST/TOTALITARIAN for a VERY, VERY LONG TIME.

  22. What was it that Tyson said, something like “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”. Yah, this little Chickadee wouldn’t make it past the first surge before she pissed herself and ran off if she was smart, be she looks dumb enough to lead with her chin. Sad, but on the bright side some lesbian prison bitch will get a new chew toy.

  23. Jeffery in AlabamaMay 6, 2024 at 9:18 PM

    Reckon she could locate Israel or Palestine on a map?

    1. Only on a map showing only those two countries and even then, maybe not

    2. dipshit couldn't find her own state on a map if you remove the names. you know there was a time when I thought I might be a bit slow. but after seeing the best and brightest for the last 40 years. I now know better.
      these kids today are fucking morons ! gee, I wonder what little miss snowflake is going to do when the bad men come and used real bullets ? funny, but that time is coming a lot faster than most people think it will . now, the question is, who is paying for all of this bullshit. like 2020, pallets of bricks are not cheap
      and someone got paid to drop them off where they did. seems like it would be easy to find out if you where a federal clown. but, what do I know ? dave in pa.

    3. It was more than likely the federal clowns who dropped the bricks.

  24. I don't have the patience for these people anymore.
    Just work your way through their 'encampment' with a forestry mulcher mounted on a big excavator.
    Grind the whole place into mulch from the top down to 6" deep in the dirt.
    Load the waste into trucks and haul it to the dump.
    Notify the next of kin where they can find their snowflake.

  25. I liked the Zionist come out at sundown, with the police.

  26. Either as noted above Daddy is paying for this or she's got an OnlyFans page to subsidize her cosplay

  27. From the look on her face, you can tell the lights are on, but no one is home.

  28. Ignorance and arrogance working in tandem make a dangerous combination.

  29. Another example of playing dress-up LARPing.

  30. Should be barefoot and pregnant

  31. I thought she was cute, like that pretty Jewish girl in your home room class.

  32. Why is the phrase dumb cunt popping in my head?

  33. Moldylocks BEFORE she got punched in the face.
    They're all the same, all hat no cattle. yawn

  34. It's not going to be enough, sweetcheeks...

  35. Taking CosPlay to new heights (depths?). And where the Hell is the JDL when you need them?

  36. It's a parody account

  37. Rubber bullets?

    She needs to realize she needs much better level armor for the upcoming campaign season,3A at a minimum,perhaps go walking now wearing plates,getting used to before hostilities?Just saying.....

  38. I wonder how she would handle a left hook to the jaw.

  39. Targets will fall when hit!

    Here’s a thing to contemplate; If you’re not happy with the country you were born in, simply move! Go visit a true fascist regime, and try your left wing protests, and then experience the inside of brutal prison system for several months. Mom and Dad’s influence will count for nothing.


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