Wednesday, May 8, 2024

150 Plus Shots Fired, Six Wounded, 1 Dead

One wonders if an officer ever has to run back to the station for more evidence markers. First time I have seen blue ones.

News of this shooting does no longer alarms or surprises anyone. This has become the new normal in Birmingham and other metro-hives of similar size and demographic make-up. No one really seems to care if they are not involved or affected. I will not try to explain the particulars. To read more about this "bullet fest", click HERE. The real story in this post is further down. It is the knee jerk reactions from the political ringmasters running the circuses the media refers to as city governments. The shooting occurred at Shell convivence store where there has been many similar incidents. Come now, the city attorney's office and it is suing the store stating "it is  essentially a launching-pad for criminal activity". There is not any evidence of the store breaking any statues that would promote this crime. Why has the mindset in dealing with such instances turned to, "let's blame the business owner" (i.e. "if that store wasn't there, it would not have been robbed"). One of my theories is liberal government officials realize most criminals cannot pay, but property owners have something tangible that might be confiscated (either money for "fines" or seizure of property) Why go to the trouble to prosecute the ones who; are in illegal possession of prohibited weapons, possession of stolen firearms, felons in possession of firearms, using a firearm in the commission of a felony, etc., and the one who actually broke the law to begin with by committing a "mass shooting". One also wonders at times why this nation has laws. This is typical liberal leadership/par for the course in hives over 50k in population. Anyhow, here we are. To watch the story of how Birmingham is punishing a business owner for someone else's bad behavior, click HERE . 

In a barely reported similar story, five people were shot outside a dollar store in Huntsville, AL this weekend. I wonder if that story will be sandbagged in the national media as the Birmingham story has been. I suppose it is tough being the media at times and weighing whether to use a story to promote gun control or subdue a potential gun crime because it draws attention to black on black crime.


  1. well. it does seem like crime is black on black, it will die inside of 2 days in local media. see, philly news for that part.
    and nationwide, not a peep. black on white crime almost never makes or sees the light of day.
    but if it is white on black crime, you will never see the end of it. didn't used to be this way. I first saw the change in the 1970's. and after 74-5, I gave up on truth in the "News"
    until they go after the assholes doing the shooting, nothing will change. if anything, it will get worse.
    they also know they are going to get nothing from the shooters as they have nothing.
    check out the ICU;s in any big city and you find lots of kids (?) with no medical insurance taking up beds.
    assholes who got shot and lived long enough to make it to the ER. who pays their medical bills ?
    we do. 2 years working 3rd shift at HUP showed me that. so, yeah. the cities are trying to claw back all that spent cash any way they can. 12 to 22-25 can be hard on inner city kids. lots of them never make it. oh well.
    is it stupid ? yes. but it not going to change unless the kids do. don't hold your breathe. dave in pa.

  2. From the Virtual Mirage Blog: https://www.virtualmirage.org/not-that-again/

    ** Collectivism rejects individual responsibility. Criminals are victims of the social system, and victims are the perpetrators. Private property causes theft, gun-ownership causes murder, and marriage causes rape. Laws, police, and prisons all cause crime. Likewise, Jews are Nazis, each and all of them, regardless of individual words or deeds. The fact of innocence or guilt never matters, only collective membership.

  3. It’s them again, Yogi? Yes, Boo Boo, it’s always them. Scott Adams was correct. Stay away from large groups of certain demographics. (Anyone else notice the uptick of Chinese looking folks in commercials?)

  4. Looked up the dead dood.
    Would it be wrong of me to hope all of the victims die?

  5. Why am I NOT surprised... Bombingham earned that name a LONG time ago...

  6. 150 shots and only one dead? C'mon Rastus, you can do better than that!

    1. Are you sayin that 149 warning shots are excessive?

  7. Can you feel it?...the expectation of something breaking like a big storm....I can feel it in the air, can’t describe it except like a foreboding.....and I live way out in the sticks far away from the hive mind of debauchery and evil deviancy supported by twisted minds on the left....but it’s here and it’s tangible....our country is corrupt to the core and there is only one remedy unless God intervenes, and He won’t....it will all play out.....set your face like flint against the godless heathens and get ready....

  8. Check Iowahawk's famous quote on this.
    Nuff said!

  9. 150 rounds? One shooter? Pistol? Would like to see the store video on this one.

  10. Yellow post it notes work when you run out of markers

  11. Indianapolis Indiana, isn't much better. With the exception of one radio station and one TV station, most B o B crime goes unreported. Local prosecutor has a "catch and release" policy.
    So, violent felons get recycled back to "do it again," within hours.
    It's all kept under wraps, because Indianapolis has a huge convention trade. Of course the mayor is a Democrat.
    Bear in Indy

  12. "Demographic makeup".
    What a polite way to state the non-PC obvious.
    Sue the store for existing? Suuuuure. Go ahead.
    The owner will either quit and close down while he's ahead, or allow himself to be sued and go bankrupt.
    Either way, the store goes away, never to return.
    And then the "Demographic makeup" leadership will have the audacity and temerity
    to wail and weep and gnash teeth about "food desert".
    President Elect B Woodman

    1. Skyler the WeirdMay 9, 2024 at 7:30 AM

      And if you close because you can't afford to do business anymore, the libtards will sue you for creating a 'food desert' like in San Francisco.

  13. It's the oxymoron called liberal logic that demands the location be responsible for the bad things that happen there. It's nothing new. Some localities will actually shutter a school if the kids keep getting bad grades there (I'm not kidding!).

    1. It's rather a lot like the "magic dirt" theory of racial equality / inequality, isn't it?

  14. Business owners should start surreptitiously shooting city officials near city hall, of a certain demographic.

    Then folks can blame the correct locale for starting thew problems, while solving them at the same time.

    They should also start publishing the lists of the felons let go by city government, and/or under-prosecuted. That will be about 98% of them, and two thirds of them will all coincidentally be Amish. Or something.

  15. File under "Municiple Department of Property Aquisition"

  16. Deodand: in law, an object or instrument that becomes forfeited because it has caused a person's death.... nothing changes, although once upon a time while the perps were punished, the object or location was deemed to have some culpability too.

  17. In Memphis, the Glock switch is the latest "toy" the Memphricans have discovered. Throw in a 30 round mag and they can throw a bunch of lead in a couple seconds, hitting almost nobody.

    1. Those folks in Voodoo Village are very innovative.

  18. All this goes back to the 60's and MLK and the effort to neuter law enforcement. Let me be clear I respect Dr King and I agree with a lot of what he said. But the simple fact remains that if you compare Selma Alabama today with the Selma Alabama of 1960 the city today is a disaster. It is a disaster for two reason pure and simple: MLK's efforts neutered law enforcement there AND the people that MLK "freed" are incapable of living in a sane modern society. I know, you aren't supposed to say that out loud, but that's a simple truth. 99% of the thugs you see hanging around these late night stores and gas stations are the same people. 99% of the thigs you see stealing in stores and "wilding" or shootings are the same people. That! is the problem. Not guns, not the Shell station, not even the politicians. The people in these situations are ungovernable.

  19. Well I guess the cops couldn't make it a priority to do a little more patrolling around that location, what with it being a "hub" of criminal activity. NO, we can't have any logic, bad juju, just make the proprietor responsible and watch the business sink under the impossible weight of massive civil law suits. Stupid is as stupid does I've heard it said.

  20. I will guarantee you that this city has cops patrolling the streets and that the cops write their requires 100 tickets a month. It isn't a lack of police it is priorities. It is almost laughable that any city with a high crime rate spends one second looking for a speeder or someone who runs a stop sign. But there is a return on investment if you write tickets so that becomes the priority.

  21. “One of my theories is liberal government officials realize most criminals cannot pay, but property owners have something tangible that might be confiscated”

    Victor Davis Hanson wrote years ago about in his area of California, the police were death on tickets for minor things, like city code violations. Just outside town, multiple trailers rotting in the sun all pulling power from a single overloaded supply pole. Trash in the yards, code violations untouched. The difference was that the police hit up the people who would pay to the nines. Why bother with the illegals and transients who wouldn’t pay?

  22. Many others, and any of you who do not know Ole Remus and his sage wisdom need to seek it out and follow it to the letter

  23. Replies
    1. Interesting. I had thought that, but didn't know it had a name.



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