Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Sounds like "non-issue" to me.

 Explosive device detonates outside Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s Office.

The article I found states "there were no injuries and there wasn't any property damage".


An investigation has been launched after an explosive device was set off early Saturday morning outside the office of Alabama Republican Attorney General Steve Marshall.


In a statement on Monday, Marshall said that there were no injuries from the explosion and that Alabama authorities would be further investigating the incident. No possible motives have been given and no suspects have been identified by state authorities.


“In the early hours of Saturday, February 24, an explosive device was detonated outside of the Alabama Attorney General’s Office building in Montgomery,” Marshall said in a statement. “Thankfully, no staff or personnel were injured by the explosion. The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency will be leading the investigation, and we are urging anyone with information to contact them immediately.”



  1. So, a mostly peaceful explosion then?

  2. Someone threw a firecracker prolly...

    1. agreed. a firecracker. find a group outside and toss a large pack of jumping jacks under their feet and watch the fun!!!
      people don't have fun like they use to.

    2. sounds like a description of Kent State just before the NG opened fire...

  3. Can't say I've ever seen them say something like, "explosive device detonates outside Attorney General’s office" instead of something like "bomb attack on Attorney General." Trying to minimize reaction? Must be someone the paper doesn't like.

    Check your "More HERE" link. It goes to blogger's Posts page, not another site. (Since I'm logged in, it took me to MY posts page).

    1. I was thinking along those same lines. I also thought it was very strange that this happened Saturday morning and only read about it today and have not seen it on the "local" television where they normally will go to great lengths to tell a tale where a gun was used, someone said something "racissssss", report a small grass fire in a small rural community, etc. (Lord knows .gov has to justify all those shiny vehicles/equipment). Surely, they would not look over a "bombing" that occurred at the capitol complex outside the office of the AOG.

    2. Here's a surprise. Headline on American Wire: "Explosive device detonates outside of Republican AG’s office in Alabama, crickets from press" Imagine that: the press ignoring an attack on a Republican AG. Imagine if this was Fani Willis or Alvin Bragg.

      Here's a link.

  4. Flashbang? Tannerite (w/o the nails)?
    It will be interesting to see if anything comes from the (koff!) "investigation" (koff!).
    Or not.

    President Elect B Woodman

  5. Odd article. What's the connection between the devicegoboom and abortion?

  6. "No injuries and no property damage".

    So it was symbolic, which means it was done by a Liberal.

  7. I can hear Marvin now....."Where's the KABOOM!? There should have been an earth shattering KABOOM!"
    President Elect B Woodman

  8. I am just glad that those adults in charge didn't know of some of the stuff that myself and one or two of my buddies used to do. Not that anyone would ever ride around out in the country shooting bottle rockets from a tube onto the pretty girls roofs. That would be dumb, since you could either catch the roof on fire, or have someone shoot at your car.
    I of course never do anything to catch a roof on fire. As far as receiving fire, I plead the 5th.

  9. Dry Ice in a bottle of water? Major threat there...

  10. bomb squad detonated it in an intersection, no even close to a building. meh.

  11. Sounds like a firecracker and a good bit of creative writing... detonation is a technical term and it almost means the same thing as an explosion.

    What is the meaning of the word detonation?
    >>Detonation is an explosion in which the speed of burning is higher than the speed of sound in the surroundings. A detonation generates greater pressures and is more destructive than a deflagration. <<


  12. No surveillance footage? Don’t tell me they use the same technicians and equipment that were monitoring Epstein’s cell!


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