Monday, February 20, 2023

Some Cultural Enhancement By Adding Refugees*.....


 * comment are moderated so they won't have a reason to shut down the blog. 













  1. But, but , but diversity is our strength.

  2. At least here in the US, the natives are already horrible. You don't need to import any to get troublemakers.

  3. On today's game of "Guess The Race"
    Oh... nevermind.

  4. Steals the Roman Missal, not the Holy Bible.

  5. As long as he doesn't burn it, or paint any pictures of Jesus, it's fine.

  6. R.C. Martyrdom on display. The Padre thinks it'll get him a solid Gold halo. Personally I'da beat the crap out of Sambo.

    1. Me too. Those priests were cowardly.

  7. Invite the 3rd world, become the 3rd world. This is all part of a plan.


  8. Never give up your g()ns and stay strapped and frosty

  9. Our comments are moderated? Guess I’m not allowed to say what I think of Mr. dark diversity and what I think should become of him.

    1. I must be a mind reader, I know EXACTLY what you're thinking (and won't say).
      I wonder why Mr Dark Diversity stole the book, it's doubtful that he can even read?

      President Elect B Woodman

  10. Sorry. I blacked out earlier this month.

  11. He should have met God very soon after that.

  12. The priest shouldn’t have been so niggardly with that Bible 😉😂

  13. Where’ my .45 ACP?

    1. Someone's been reading the prophet John Moses Browning and taking his beliefs to heart. Amen.

  14. Is it the word the bluegums use approximately ten THOUSAND times a day when referring to one another? The word they ALL can't seem to make it through a "song" without dropping? You sayin' we can't use that word because we're white?... That seem... racist.

  15. Yeah, I'm Anonymous for this one.February 20, 2023 at 8:24 PM

    Cultural misappropriation at its finest.

  16. Punk monkeys gonna act like punk monkeys until we stop them.

  17. The French citizens turned their backs on God. Every nation that turns its back on God is filled up with Muslims

  18. So how did the priest like being the one assaulted this time?

  19. Remember about 30 years ago or so when the frogs and other Eurwienies had their undies in a wad about the race relations problems we were having in America and how awful they thought we were. I said at the time, "easy for you to say because you dont have any of them". Well, now they have them. How is that working out?? Bwahahaha.

  20. When 12.6% of the population commit 58.9% of violent felonies in the US, we shouldn't be having to discuss gun control we need 12.6% of the population control. Gun control is putting 15 rounds into a quarter at 10 meters.

  21. There is a fix for this kind of shit, but no one will admit it. And that fix would be more obvious if the female brains would stfu and sit down.

  22. You get what you import into your nation & it was not about not having enough work force to bring in the millions of Muslims that rape your nation and people by any means. Truth is that nations that have banned gun ownership are targeted first for obvious reasons.

    1. I fully agree that 'when' it breaks loose 'we' will bitterly regret having been forced to capitulate by the LIV metropolitan voters, but ... right here, right now it seems that your guns, rather than allow you to react more strongly, are in fact preventing you from acting 'at all'.

      There are campaigns, demonstrations, protests and riots (not to mention more 'local' direct 'personal' action) across all the western world ... except there.

      'We've' had thousands of young girls abused and raped in a decade or so, you have more than that 'per year' and it's been ongoing for decades. We have cities where whites are the minority, but only because ethnics don't live anywhere else 'but' those cities (don't ask me why, I don't want a knock on the door). You have entire regions (and arguably States) where you are now a minority (and your votes count even less). Etc.

      All I'm saying is, that whilst "An armed society is a polite society" it is also a society where the go-to solution in every circumstance is 'the gun', and you aren't (quite) ready to take 'that' step yet, so ... you do nothing instead.

      Asking not stating, is that 'really' a better situation?

  23. If you stand for that sort of thing, you will kneel for much worse later

  24. Forehead Therapy seems appropriate.


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