Saturday, February 25, 2023

Meanwhile In Montana, Important Legislative Debate.....









  1. Oklahoma just released a basically no drag show law from committee this week for house vote. I know a couple other states working on the same thing as well. Can't wait to watch the next round of elections for the sick people, that want of force it on kids, like this that vote no as well. The commercials will be epic.

    Bear Claw

    1. That's a male, in the video, pretending to be a female and speaking in a falsetto voice, and having to clear his throat frequently. That narcissist needs to be severely beaten right out in public, then banished from society.

  2. There are NO trans people, just mentally ill people who need psychological belp

  3. Any bets that this law will be struck down as discriminatory at either the state Supreme Court or SJC?


  4. "We are groomers, pedophiles, and horrible parents, and we need to be stopped." That's really all I got out of that rant. Men dressing up as women may have been entertainment over the centuries, but it was all about adults. When men get off sexually by dressing in woman's underwear (way more over the top than just dressing up as Cher or other to perform, etc.) and then NEEDING to do it in front of little kids, they need to be taken out back and taught a serious lesson about boundaries, child molestation, and the role society needs to play in protecting children from predators. As for the parents, that's what DFCS is supposed to be about. These are EXACTLY the things people warned about when they correctly fought allowing gays to adopt children.

  5. we refer to it as Montucky here in Idaho for a reason...

  6. I don't give a tinkers damn if this is important to perverts and the mentally ill nor their "communities". "Valuable"?? To whom beyond the perverts and the mentally ill? One must ask, publicly and repeatedly, why these abnormal people are so intent on bringing children into their aberrant lifestyles. The question needs to be publicly repeated and then the answers must be logically disavowed. I care not for the tears and whining of the wicked. The fact that a substantial portion of the American public, parents no less, support sick and abnormal indoctrination of their very own children, leads me to believe we have crossed the rubicon as a society.
    What is so "important" about children being involved in drag shows? Normalization of perverse behavior, and recruitment of the next generation. Most of these creatures cannot or will not reproduce, so they are intent on sowing the seeds of their perverse harvest in the future.
    It does stop until we make it stop.

    1. The faggots know nobody's born that way, hence their need to recruit the young and easily manipulated. They're the worst kind of predators and should be treated as such.

  7. Make sure you read the replies to this tweet. Hilarious stuff.

  8. I have a simple solution for these freeks........

  9. I used to wonder how things could have been so bad that Sodom and Gomorrah had to happen. I don’t wonder as much these days

  10. No exaggeration here, If that DUDE is EVER caught exposing his deviancy to MY child, they'll never find all the pieces of him and it will take a long long time to get the job done. "we just want the right to get married" my ass. These faggots want to corrupt our children all the while pretending they're the victims. Fuck them to death.

    1. Amen! Those who screamed, "THERE'S NO SLIPPERY SLOPE" were also greasing the slope at the same time. Bunch of morons thought it would stop if we pretended boys could marry boys & girls girls.

    2. my son is just now no longer a minor. but if anyone of these assf%ks tried to groom him, i would remove every limb from them.

  11. IF that "woman" (i guess she is one?) has CHILDREN under her care I would suggest CHILD SERVICES to investigate to make sure they don't have a situation like the horrors inflicted on the two little boys by their "DADDIES" in Georgia!

  12. This bill did pass. Going to the Governor's desk for signing.


  13. "It's important to have children there so we can groom them" FTFY

  14. Drag shows are NOT art, they are gross to watch and harmful to children. Sexual depravity is not art. Once upon a time drag was done in night clubs and private homes AWAY from children now its been deemed that children can watch and knowing child will re-create this perverse "drag" with their friends and siblings. Parents that have allowed their children to view and partake with these perverts should be ashamed of themselves followed with removal of the children from the home for not protecting their children from perverts.

  15. Evil has no argument, so it wants to preserve the correct process that allows it to continue. Art is in the eye of the beholder , evil is not pretty. The uncivil and immoral are killing civil society intentionally.

  16. I have no words or relaxing thoughts to contribute.
    I have nothing nice to say!
    Paul J


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