Friday, December 17, 2021









  1. No worries if there is no Friday Femme Fatale today. I’ll just go back to Dec. 3 and revisit Miss 58

  2. Did I steal my blog background from you or vice versa?

    1. Good evening, I'm not sure how I ended up at your page but I loved that picture. I left a comment on your post something to the effect of "I'm gonna "borrow" that". Did you not get my comment?? IF that is your
      image I will make note of that or I can take it down. Please let me know :) Irish

    2. No worries. I've had that blog since 2005 and haven't done much with it. I added that image from a bing search. It's not mine. I was wondering if I had stole it from you or if great minds think alike. I was looking for a picture of Tar Muriel the last Queen of Numenor as the Great wave covered the Meneltarma, the tallest peak and sank the great island into the abyss of the sea.

  3. God bless you sir.
    You perform a service for all mankind.
    Mostly men, I presume.
    But, all who appreciate the beauty of the female form, and people who truly appreciate the best memes of the day. Or night.


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