Monday, December 13, 2021

Does Anyone Know Bubba the owner of What Bubba Knows blog? - Bubba is well


 Last night I was scrolling the blog list and realizing I hadn't seen anything from "bubba" for awhile

it was surprising to see a post update in the feed. I stopped over and it looks like his blog

has been compromised with a bunch of way off topic posts every so often.  I sent him an

email hoping to alert him to the situation.  If anyone knows how to get in touch with him

please let him know.  As noted, his own posts have been quiet for some time.


Thanks, Irish.  

Bubba reached out and it looks like he cleaned up the mess at his site.

More later, things to do



  1. Last I saw Jan. 2021. I did not perceive any priors to be off base.

  2. His most recent post was Dec 9. He indicated earlier this year that his computer had crashed, and he was not doing any more regular posting...but, ya never know when he may pop back into the blogosphere.

  3. I was wondering the same about the-nines


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