Wednesday, August 23, 2017

App. 45 minutes that is well worth the time / Eugene "Sledgehammer" Sledge WW2 USMC Extraordinaire

A big H/T to Robert in Cullman for sending me this YouTube video that hits the high spots of Alabama native Eugene B. Sledge's memoirs of combat on the Pacific Islands of Peleliu and Okinawa and his time in the USMC. If anyone has not read his book, With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa, I'd highly recommend it. 


  1. Thanks for the link to the video. Everyone should read his book.

  2. My God! What a man! And what men they were.

    1. Not that all young American men today piss themselves because they saw a Confederate War Memorial or enroll in a therapy program because Donald Trump won the election, but one has to wonder why 36% of college age Americans feel "safe spaces" are absolutely necessary. When this mindset is compared to the generation of E.B. Sledge and hundreds of thousand like him, I scratch my head and wonder what the hell happened in the last seventy years?

    2. I found this post that says what I wanted to say in reply to your post.


    3. That was awesome Anon and thanks for sharing. I am going to make that a post in the near future.


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