Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday Update


  Good evening all,

 I'm still busy with all things life. Some good , some better, some hectic, some pleasure.

In the meantime, I have been playing with a host site and wordpress plug in.

It's gonna take me a little bit to get used to it and figuring out the interface. In the past couple 

weeks, I have dabbled but not made any headway worth reporting.  I will , most likely, reach out

to those of you that have offered help.


Stay tuned, I'm still here and lurking when time allows.

Be safe out there.


I learned a few new words today:

I got a chance to finalize my retirement plans:

This is true.... 


and boobs are still the bestest...........


  1. I'm glad that life is settling down and you are free from the shit that was taking up your life with little reward.
    Oh and Boobs!

  2. I can relate to both eremitism and Sturmfrei. The peace that both of those adjectives describe is priceless. The occasional encounters with new or old subjects are reminders of how valuable that peace is.

    Looking forward to a return of the old style FFF at some point. I and I'm sure others are appreciative of your efforts on our behalf.


  3. No worries Irish. We all have been where you are. Take your time, and enjoy life while you are at it. It is too short to sweat the small things. Or the big things.

    1. Don't sweat the petty things.
      And don't pet the sweaty things.
      Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

  4. Please sir may I have some more... of the bestest stuff...

  5. Thanks, man, made my week, thats some funny shit. Truth be told too. Lots O LMAO.

  6. As it happens, I have a great deal of experience with WP, up to and include getting a lot of help and advice from one of the guys who created WP in the first place, my old friend Mark Jaquith. So feel perfectly free to give me a shout if you need me for anything, Irish. I can definitely steer you toward some good plugins to check out, if nothing else.

    1. Thank you Mike, I will take you up on that in the not too distant future.

      All the best

  7. Eremitism... I like that.

  8. Onanism fits right in there with eremitism. Just sayin'...


  9. "I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude." Henry David Thoreau

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Ha! I talked to my financial advisor and I can retire and live reasonably comfortable until Monday at 8am.

  12. I look at your website every day. I frequently find things that click. I am currently writing an article on solitude and you have those two images posted.

  13. Godspeed young man, thank you for your blog.

  14. Just a quick , Thank you

  15. Yay for Mammalian Protuberances!

  16. I've been practicing eremitism for a few years now and here I thought I was a misanthrope.

  17. Oh, don't get me wrong, I like many other people as well. But (a) Lot of family & BFFs have died; (b) Most younger family are distant & very busy; (c) I'm becoming more time & energy limited to deal with all I still need & want to do; AND (D) Let's not forget it seems like there are more lazy, uneducated, inept, nutcake or misguided people out there. I'm good company.

  18. I'm looking at being forced to retire from the guard at 60, but between my pensions I will actually be making more than I do at work right now. Hoping it works out well for you, mine is kinda on a glide path.


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