Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Insomnia MEME Dump...












  1. How sad is it that these memes are so truthful and all due to a power trip by people that aren't worthy of leading a dog to water.

    The man with no name

  2. https://x.com/wallstreetsilv/status/1744739536570327075?s=46&t=PRYyWFErS16qDRzwfgge1g

  3. And with everything that has been Seen relative to The Jabs, Notta one of those assholes who wanted to tyrannically force everyone to get The Jabs has admitted how wrong they were.

    1. If they came out and said "I got taken in. I believed what they were selling. I was wrong." OK no problem. Forgive and forget. But that will never happen. Their ego won't let them own their mistakes. They'll just hope you'll be stupid enough to overlook or forget. Fuck them


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