Monday, January 29, 2024

From the front lines



  1. If I had Ian from email address, I would send him a link to that picture.

  2. Regarding the first meme: People are REALLY starting to wake up about this. It’s an unsolicited daily conversation anymore for me, with everyone from women at the grocery store to the guys at the local coffee shop to coworkers. Seems like every working person I know is super irritated with the current taxation situation, which, if you keep track, steals away more than half of a worker’s earned income. We’re long overdue for a good tax revolt. Folks are pissed. I’m beginning to feel hopeful.

  3. Conservatives are still conservatives. Redefining the term and saying we "embrace every degeneracy" doesn't mean any more than when we're called nazis and fascists. The problem is their misapprehension, not the word's definition.


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