Saturday, December 9, 2023

One of the main reasons Americans are feeling "a lot lighter" in the wallet


There is a scene in the movie Home Alone showing the main character going to a grocery store and buying $19.83 worth of groceries. Included are a TV dinner, half a gallon of orange juice, frozen mac and cheese, laundry detergent, cling wrap, a pack of army men, toilet paper, and dryer sheets. Keep in mind this is circa 1990. Last year those same items would have cost $44.40. Today that same buggy load of items would cost $77.28. FJB
I was reading this story about inflation on one of the "main media outlets" that will not allow me to hyper-link. Here it is.


  1. Exaggeration, Yachts over two hundred feet and caviar (beluga) are still quite reasonable.

  2. At least the tweets aren't mean.

  3. 1970, the grocery carts were deep. People loaded up. Three cans of vegetables were a buck,Del Monte,not store brand. It took seven, double bagged,stacked,,loaded bags to break a hundred dollars. I sacked them heavy.

  4. LMFAO!
    If you try looking beyond your goldfish bowl, you'll see food inflation has been huge GLOBALLY. This is in large part due to Putins invasion of Ukraine (the bread-basket of the world due to it's grain production). Why would Putin want to drive up global grain prices? I'm sure it's got nothing to do with Russia being such a huge grain producer. Of course not!
    Last time I checked, your moron president isn't leader of every country on the planet, so obviously not down to him. But hey, it's easier to blame him than educate yourself in what's going on outside your borders, especially in a globally linked market.

  5. I remember in the early 60's that THREE shopping carts were about $125. Mom used to scream all the way home, but it was a month's worth of groceries. We shopped at the BX once a month.

  6. I think Grandpa mentioned that his Social Security cost of living adjustment for the coming year is 3.2%. Either President Corruption now has inflation under control or someone in his administration is hiding something.

  7. The Social Security COLA is indexed to the "rate of inflation", so they have an incentive to keep "the rate of inflation" as small as possible. Therefore, they changed the way they calculate it by removing the cost of fuel & food. So, if you don't eat and don't drive, you can live with a "official" 3% inflation rate.


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