Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving, One and All..


  From Jeffery and Myself, we want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and long weekend


Wishing you all the best. 

Stay safe.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for all you do.

  2. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving, Irish.

  3. A Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from the UK. Over-eat wisely :)

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to You & Yours as Well !

  5. And a Happy & Safe Thanksgiving to all of y’all from all of us that enjoy your hard work to entertain and keep us informed.
    Ken NWF

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to the owner of the best blog on the internet.

  7. Happy Thanks to the two of you, thank you for all the stuff you provide :)

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, Jeffery and Irish. Thank you for all you do for us ne'er do wells!

  9. Gobble gobble gobble, everybody, and God bless!

  10. Happy American Thanksgiving.


  11. Here comes the best part - IT'S LEFTOVERS WEEK!
    And to everyone here
    rock on wit yo bad sefs

  12. Hope you all had a great day! I was already on the road embarking on 230 mile round trip over the river and through the woods trek to my brother's new abode at 7:30AM yesterday. Traffic was almost non-existent the whole outbound side. Wasn't bad coming home either until I decided to stop at my sister's home on the way back. After spending an hour or so there, the interstate was crushed with traffic once I resumed my trek. It was moving along pretty well, however 70 MPH, at night in heavy traffic, can get down right scary at my age, considering I don't drive at night much any more. So, I'm more than little out of practice.

    To top it off, after leaving my sister's home, I ran over the already dead body of a coyote or small deer in the middle lane. It appeared on the roadway so fast that I couldn't really identify it, other than as a light brown furry thing. I couldn't avoid it either as it covered about a quarter of the lane with other travelers on both sides of me. Guy behind me, who was right on my tail pipe, had to have hit it too and probably many others. I imagine, after an hour or so, the corpse must have been ground to a pulp.


  13. Got called into work at 6:30 AM to fix an air dryer, done about 9 am. Called back out to the same station at 5:30 pm because there was a station ESD. Blew lots of nat gas into the sky. Got everything straightened out and station back online at about 1 AM. All triple-time because it was a holiday. Unfortunately, the gap mid day made it possible to go to the outlaws house for Thanksgiving - they are crazies

  14. Thanks, Boss.
    Wishing you, and Jeffery, the best of Thanksgiving weekends!

    Whitehall, NY

  15. A Belated Happy Thanksgiving to the Irish family.!


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