Friday, September 22, 2023

Respected Teacher Found Shirtless And Holding A Gun In A Burning School Building


School and law enforcement officials are trying to figure out what went wrong. It sounds as if this guy has some mental issues, but then again, this sort of behavior sounds like someone on serious drugs. I'm glad the principal talked him into a peaceful outcome and no one was hurt. 

Teacher at Saks High School arrested after being accused of setting fire, having gun on school caCALHOUN COUNTY, Ala. (WBRC) - A physical education teacher at Saks High School has been arrested after authorities say he is accused of setting a fire and having a gun on campus.

Lagregory Deon Thomas, 38, was booked into the Calhoun County Jail on charges of Arson 2nd and Criminal Mischief 3rd.

The Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office says the principal at Saks High School was making rounds at the school Thursday morning when he noticed smoke coming from the gym.

When the principal went inside, he found broken windows. That’s when the door opened behind him - it was Thomas who was shirtless with a pistol in his hand.WBRC was told the principal was able to get Thomas to put the handgun down and got him out of the gym because of the fire. There were no injuries during the incident.

The Sheriff says Thomas has never had any issues prior to this incident.

The Calhoun County School District said in a Facebook post about the incident, Superintendent Dr. Jose Reyes said campus security and local law enforcement were immediately contacted to investigate.

“The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors are our top priorities,” Reyes added in the social media post.



  1. "There’s no sign he is a bad person or had bad intent."

    Really? Intent? What his intentions were doesn't matter one whit anyway, but how anyone could come to this conclusion is beyond me. He lit the fuckin' school on fire, then sat there with a firearm and waited for someone to show up. That doesn't strike these idiots as registering on the "bad" scale somewhere? No sign?

    We're doomed.

    1. Today it is considered in bad form to be judgmental of others.
      Some of us, like me, can't turn that part off, ever.
      For others, the ability to judge never existed.
      They were born stupid and will die that way. shrug

    2. He's probably a Demonrat so he'll get off with a wrist slap.


    3. My first thoughts upon reading the first article I came across was if it is mental, why charge the guy with arson?

  2. "Lagregory Deon Thomas" tells us everything we need to know

    1. But running his picture would be racism, not factual reporting! I checked four or five news sources, most in that area, and not one ran a picture of Lagregory. Interesting, but not surprising.

  3. Sure does. He ain't white

  4. Figuratively speaking “educators” set schools on fire every day, so what’s the big deal?…. “Pistol”…. Oh okay then.

  5. Pretending that YOUR child's teacher and YOUR child's school is "ok" (for those attending a government monopoly day prison every morning), is the pinnacle of child neglect. There are NO good government schools or teachers. They are all funded through the immorality of THEFT and children are forced by law to attend. Nothing can be good or moral about such a system. Get your children out NOW.

  6. Mr. Thomas was seen standing on a desk screaming: “I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this any more!”

  7. That’s one hell of an education those kids were getting

  8. Could have been The Jab, since we KNOW it causes microclots and microclots in the brain ain't a good thing...

  9. A guy I went to high school with in the 80's was recently fired and arrested for selling drugs to his high school students.

    1. I have to be honest. I can think of 2 for sure and maybe 3 other gym teachers during my 8th to 12th grades who could have this. One would have gone full roid rage and the other was just bat shit crazy. Gym class in the late 60's and early 70's was not boring.

  10. Replies
    1. Too much steroids may cause psychotic episodes, AKA roid rage.

  11. “The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, and visitors are our top priorities,” Reyes added in the social media post.

    And therein lies the problem. Shouldn't the top priority be EDUCATION? As in reading, writing and arithmetic?
    How about getting rid of the $hit teachers? Oh, right. They are all brain dead union rats. Children are the last thing they care about.

  12. Gives you the warm fuzzies knowing that Putin is going to draft such people. He just approved of the conscription of people with Schizophrenia and Autism.

    1. Don't you mean Zelensky? What fuckin planet are you on?

  13. Hey Jeffrey;

    That was my old High School in the late 1970's Jeez....

    1. Ha! It is a small world! I'm not familiar with Saks High School. I know that is the Anniston area. I didn't catch the whole story but I saw where there was some sort of incident at Anniston High School yesterday where over 50 kids got into a row and one kid was shot. The story went on to state that the homecoming pep rally and parade, had been canceled. Later in the day I was watching the news and saw that all homecoming festivities had been canceled. (link below)

  14. Now if Mr. Thomas had instead torched the County Courthouse and acted like (take your pick), he would have been in very deep doo-doo.

  15. From the press-release:
    * "One of the things I do best is I’m a people person,’’ Thomas said. “I love being around people and talking to people. Relationship building in fundraising is really important.’’


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