Sunday, September 17, 2023

A Few Of The Thousands Of Reasons Why I Don't Ride Public Transportation....







 There are a lot of other similar posts over at his site. If you so choose to enjoy.




  1. Three times a year i make a trek to the city for meetings in the corporate offices. I used to park at a transit station and take the train downtown to save the stupid cost of parking. Not anymore.
    This year there have been 8 knifings on the train and 1 machete attack. That was between Jan and june when the media stoped reporting attacks because it was decreasing ridership and hurting city revenue.


  2. Now added to my list of reasons for not flying

  3. back in 1991/2 used to work at HUP. in west philly. tried taking the "EL" or subway to work. I worked from 10 pm to 6 am- single parent shit. anyway, used to carry my SIg 226 with me. at that time, getting a carry permit was insane.
    you had to know someone to get it. common people, well, forget about it. never going to get one.
    riding the El one night, maybe 4 other people in the car. bunch of inner city kids come in the other door. train is moving. they start fucking with one guy at the far end. I pull my pistol out and check the magazine, jack a round into the barrel. the kids see me doing this, as did the other people in the car. the kids left. couple midway in the car move closer to me. we smile at each other.
    they got off at the stop before I do. I started driving to work a few days later. just not worth losing the weapon to the cops if I had to shoot some asshole. in philly, you never get the weapon back from the cops. dave in pa.

  4. I lasted 38 seconds. There are a bunch of reasons I live in the country. With any luck I will never have reason to even enter the city limits of Dallas again. The big cities that Have that kind of public transportation are to be avoided.

  5. We used to pay for institutions to house them. Now they roam free, get elected to Congress, ride the subway, manage critical federal agencies, etc.

  6. Have concluded that dogs sitting on airplane seats are better behaved than people. Where do I book flights that primarily have only dogs as passengers?

    1. Any flight from the UK to Ibiza, Majorca or Aya Napa. Mind you, they will be two-legged dogs.

  7. Stopped flying or visiting any city larger than 100K people in 2015.

  8. On a whim, I went and looked at some of the other posts on his X. After looking at six or seven other posts I'm finally convinced we're doomed. There are too many effed up people in this world for the human race to continue as a viable species.


    1. If I understood it correctly, JBP said that the percentage of psychopaths was pretty stable at around 3%, because when the percentage got up to around 4 or 5 percent, people started doing something about it. I wonder where we are on that metric now....

  9. Guess you can't look at shit on "X" anymorewithout subscribing.
    Fuck that.

  10. I not sure many know this, but if you want to live a so called normal life without all of the assholes close by.
    move as far away from public transportation as you can get. people from the hood don't have cars per say.
    they ride the bus/train /whatever or they steal a ride- see gas station hold ups and car jacking.
    I live a good 25 miles from the nearest large city. there are no bus or trains that come anywhere near here.
    and it is uphill from that city too. people hate to walk uphill. even with GPS, it is very easy to get lost around here if you don't know you way.
    about car jacking, for them (the thugs) it is a twofer, they get a ride and hope it has gas in it. they never put gas in anything they steal. but having wheels , they can travel and go hunting. make no mistake here, they are doing just that. and after they are done or the car is out of gas, they will just steal another one. dave in pa.

  11. the one thing the videos can't convey about the paris metro is the smell. there's a reason why the french wear so much perfume. and pipe tons (tons!) of it through the metro air conditioning...


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