Monday, September 18, 2023

Meanwhile... On The Fairway....










  1. Serves him right for being complicit in ruining the opportunity for a good rifle range.

  2. I guess there is somebody that cares what happens on a golf course, but it sure isn’t me. Suck it up, cream puff.

  3. Somewhere there is somebody that cares what happens on a golf course, but it ain’t me. Suck it up, cream puff.

  4. Now that's entertainment!

  5. Rules do exist that allow you to replace the ball.

  6. He plays golf to relax, right? RIGHT?

  7. ...and what did think was going to happen when he smacked the water with his club? Dumbass.


  8. Nag nag nag, should have dropped a new ball and taken the penalty.

  9. His first problem is he thinks he’s a good golfer. His second problem is he’s an idiot because he could take a drop and a penalty stroke which is always a better alternative. And I bet there’s a rule allowing you to take a free drop, but I’m not a golfer. I give my golfer friends, a lot of shit about being golfers.

  10. What?! Did he think the Old Course at St Andrews started off as a manicured greens?
    And that there are no ponds, sand traps, doglegs and other obstacles on any given modern golf course, anywhere?
    This wee puddle just happens to be in the hollow of a dip, after a mere spit of rain.
    If you're not man enough to play the ball as it lays, then drop a new ball, take the penalty stroke, and move on smartly.
    (or at least as smartly as your fat ass will allow you)
    ((I'm sure there's a Caddy Shack reference that would fit here))

    President Elect B Woodman

  11. IF.... and that's a big IF, I could find something to bail the water out (it is a small puddle) he could have made a better stroke. But NOOOOOOOOO... some people just HAVE to be a drama queen.


  12. It's "ground under repair" since that particular location is not supposed to be water - and allows for a free drop.

    What he says early on is "this f-in' foursome" meaning they are playing where it lies regardless of the relief rules. I've played with groups like this. It's usually a fun and friendly way to play.

  13. He could even take a free drop because that would most likely be deemed casual water.

  14. I work at a golf course, as well as play the sport. Yes, a ball landing in casual water usually means a free drop. I guess it depends on whatever the other players decide.

    We also play move the ball a club length, no closer to the hole as long as you don't improve your lie, ie. no moving the ball from the rough into the fairway. It helps speed the game up.

  15. As a professional beginner i say just move the fucken ball out ot the water, who cares.

  16. Gotta post the links to the Utoobage for stealing and reposting - or at least tell us where to find it in the page code. :D

  17. It's called ground under repair. That is why it had white paint around the hole. He is a DA for not knowing the course rules. As a golfer tghat has first hand experience in the relaxing game, I really like the previous comments about a gun range. The concept of a golf course with a driving range & a gun range is great. Once you get finished with your relaxing game of golf, you can walk past the driving range (where you should have been working on your game instead slowing down play & tearing up the grass) and go straight to the gun range to shoot your gold clubs.


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