Tuesday, March 28, 2023

This Is The CCTV Security Footage Of The Shooter... No Victims Are Shown


  She was Climate aware driving a Honda Fit..

From a layman's perspective, me, she seems trained ??  

 How come this was released so suddenly?

Was it to present something subliminal? What catches your eye?

Here is the video if that tweet gets deep-sixed


  1. His gait was a bit off. Sort of rolling, feet spaced more widely than normal.

    Seemed to expect resistance with muzzle-up after pushing open doors. Video games?

    1. her feet spaced more widely than usual ? Maybe because of the fake set of testicles she may have had strapped in there?

    2. At the 20 second mark it looks like two rounds hitting the asphalt at the 10 o'clock area of the video frame in front of the bush next to her car as it goes by. Two smoky dust ups same spot like a double tap.
      Doors cocked open across from children's ministry could use some explanation.

    3. Nope, sunlight flare from the vehicle either on the camera lens or the pavement.

  2. Red hat (MAGA?), white shirt (Shoot me here!), theatrics, self-justified rage.

    1. Not all red hats are "MAGA" hats.

    2. Oh. I see.
      This is a lecture, is it?
      "Not all..." is an adolescent response to a generalized remark. It is common in my experience when a female is attempting a counter argument in a debate, and it is an empty rejoinder since my original statement did not posit about all of anything.
      Not all punctuation is observed by all readers, either. Note the question mark within the parenthetical element asking if the use of the red hat was a symbol of a political movement. I don't know if the murderer was of one political persuasion or another, but it is possible the red hat was meant to deflect blame away from her loyalties; the MAGA hat is widely understood to be red. But to your point, not all red hats are MAGA hats and that is why I used the question mark.
      Sneer quotes are another indicator of poorly developed communication - there is no reason to quote MAGA other than to draw an emotional reaction.

    3. No one said all red hats are MAGA hats.
      Reading comprehension is important.

    4. Make reading comprehension great again!

  3. Replies
    1. Her. Don't reinforce their insanity. This was a woman, regardless of what she desperately needed to think she was.

    2. Her. Her name was Audrey. She was groomed imho.

    3. I completely agree with Anon, hence forth I will try to never use the pronouns of these mentally ill people wish others to use, I will only use the pronoun appropriate from their birth certificates. Using the pronouns they delude themselves to be is falling into the trap of the entire warped agenda they want to impose on our once-great culture.

    4. Audrey's pronouns are now Was/Were.

    5. RE: gender

      The earliest (within hours of the event) news reports I read all referred to the it as a her.
      Therefore, I figured if media does that, the opposite is true.

  4. BCE will likely do a hardware write-up but looks to me like the gun being actively used for room clearing is a kel-tec sub2000

    1. Just read the news and you can see what guns they said it had. Hardware write up? Mkay.

    2. I'm gonna guess you don't read BCE blog too much . . . .

  5. Gawd what a tool... you put your barrel around a corner first, so the other guy knows you're coming!
    You casually stroll in front of doors and windows, cuz nobody can see or shoot at you!
    Nice grip.
    Keep that sling at your side, not over your shoulder, thats how it works.
    This twink ain't got a fucking clue...

    1. I've watched my nephews play video games of combat and violence.
      All of what you describe is exactly the same on those games

  6. She just looks dumb/deranged, I'm thinking this was a "suicide by cop". I'll be interested in what we learn about her parents.

  7. She looks like an automaton. I'm going with "it" has watched too many video games or action shows. She doesn't move like someone who has been trained as others have noted. I too believe the long gun in her hands is a KelTec Sub2000 gen2. Who knows what caliber? It is almost like "it" is trying to look "good" for the cameras (tactically), but is a long way from being sure of her self. I doubt the original version of "it's" manifesto will be released, but I'd love to see it.

    1. BCE postulated she might have fired a round from the other long gun, that appears to have a magazine for rifle rounds - and switched to the Keltec with pistol ammo because" OW, ThAt HuRt My EaRz! Apparent lack of hearing protection, doncha know . . .

  8. A lunatic active shooter in a designated gun free zone doesn't need to take any precautions - it's a completely safe environment for the shooter - at least, until the police ( well, SOME police departments, anyway ) arrive .

  9. Yes, this is too soon, Irish, very few if any of the other shootings in the last three years had video available this quickly unless that choice supported the socialists.

  10. Alarms were going off as you can see from the emergency flashing lights. If they would have had a good guy with a gun, this could have come out differently.

  11. They seen far too relaxed. I'd have expected them to seem more animated or wound-up.

  12. What angers me so much is we can ALREADY RIGHT NOW stop this. I am the technical geek of the USA firm called DefenseLite and we 100% keep bad guys out. A DL system would have stopped this evil from getting into the school assuming that is the damn door she got through was locked. Glass is as protective as a paper bag when shot.

  13. Pushing the narrative " you evil conservatives caused this with all your opposition to drag shows and trans community ".
    Psy op again.
    Inadvertently proving that these deranged souls need serious help for their mental illness.

    1. With a side order of "Short-barreled rifles evil".

  14. Smart enough to shoot out the glass on the doors to gain entry, but too dumb to pull on the push bar to open the door instead of squeezing throught the broken glass.

    1. Is it still mansplaining when they're trans?

    2. Yes, it is. But necessary
      Bear in Indy

  15. Empty parking lot, empty school, recent Hanoi Jane comment on the View to kill Pro Life Advocates, using weapons and attachments the ATF/Feds want to ban, a Colorado school shooting survivor who just happens to be on vacation in Nashville (and close by) and gets free anti-gun publicity, Tennessee legislature expanding 2A Rights and restricting gender change of children, and the release of any security footage so soon after the incident. Total false-flag op by the feds. Why didn't she go after the kids on the playground? They would've been an easier and simpler target.

    1. Yes. This shooting checks si many boxes for the gun grabbers an govt goons.
      Remember, there are no coincidences.
      That this event is so transparently obvious a set-up is why I think they are ever more desperate.

  16. Yeah and I'm going to circle the parking lot so every camera picks me up and then make sure I park in a properly designated spot. If this is what they're sticking with, I smell a rat.

  17. I thought they ended MK Ultra.

    Video camera's everywhere but no video of actual shooting in progress. Like I said at BC's place, at least the gene pool was ended.

  18. How convenient for the ATF

    So, more and more information is coming out about the Nashville school shooter. Last night, Nashville PD released video of it driving through the school parking lot, entering through the front doors after shooting them out. They also released pictures of the weapons used, the pistol being a S&W Shield chambered in a round that will blow your lungs out according to Joe Biden and a pair of long guns, one being a Kel-Tec and the other being an AR pistol with attached stabilizing brace.
    You can find the videos and photos of the weapons HERE.

    Kinda funny that the House Judiciary Committee began holding hearings questioning ATF's authority to outlaw AR pistols with attached stabilizing braces starting last week, isn't it? And then there's the fact that the ATF was getting their asses handed to them in said hearings? Need I say more?
    Uh-huh. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

  19. How convenient for the ATF

    So, more and more information is coming out about the Nashville school shooter. Last night, Nashville PD released video of it driving through the school parking lot, entering through the front doors after shooting them out. They also released pictures of the weapons used, the pistol being a S&W Shield chambered in a round that will blow your lungs out according to Joe Biden and a pair of long guns, one being a Kel-Tec and the other being an AR pistol with attached stabilizing brace.
    You can find the videos and photos of the weapons HERE.

    Kinda funny that the House Judiciary Committee began holding hearings questioning ATF's authority to outlaw AR pistols with attached stabilizing braces starting last week, isn't it? And then there's the fact that the ATF was getting their asses handed to them in said hearings? Need I say more?
    Uh-huh. Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

  20. Anyone notice the last 5 mass shooters have all been trans? This is what happens when you feed excessive hormones to the wrong sex, Roid/Hormone Rage.....

    1. Kids on the swing set in the playground were in the right place for what happened, fortunately for them.

    2. They're bat-crap crazy to begin with, THEN you pump hormones/steroids/etc. into them in a very futile attempt to "change" what God gave 'em.
      This is the end result some of the time. Mostly, they suicide.

    3. Yeah. I was just going to post on this but you beat me to it.
      My question is where are they getting all the money to buy all their stuff?
      Maybe Mr. Wr@y might know, cuz the effingbi has it's dirty little fingers everywhere.

    4. Yeah. I was just going to post on this but you beat me to it.
      My question is where are they getting all the money to buy all their stuff?
      Maybe Mr. Wr@y might know, cuz the effingbi has it's dirty little fingers everywhere.

    5. SCR, also this is why these people need to be treated for mental illness and not physical dysphoria.

  21. It is a male pretending to be female. If you go along with his delusion and refer to him as a she/her you are as wrong as the person pretending is. This is a serious mental illness and you help spread the illness if you use incorrect pronouns. How to stop this is simple. Every mass shooting in the past 35 years or so has been a Democrat or a Muslim. So take the guns away from those 2 groups and give them to Christian Republicans.

  22. Would this be a good time to recommend the CHRISTIAN school dump all the homo shit they have on the walls? Good time to fire all the homos, lesbos, and all other weirdos too.

  23. Observations: Appears to be a virtually empty parking lot. Parks the car in a parking spot(really?) and walks across an open area carrying weapons. No children or adults on camera's. Doors get shot out, no adults seen on camera entering the area. LEO clearing the 1st floor, no one found, no calls about bodies/victims. Where were the children, where were the adults? LEO gunfire: no smoke. No blood or brain matter on the walls, glass or carpet near the perp. Multiple rounds from an AR at 30' and a possible shotgun round and nothing? Hmmm. LEO with the shotgun: odd choice of a weapon to take into a school shooting. Perps behavior while roaming around looked to be staging for the camera's, in no particular hurry, very casual. Camera's outside and in the lower entry lobby and a hallway(what level?) but nothing on the second floor, or the second floor lobby where she was shot? Again, hmmmm.

  24. A set-up by the tranny crowd using a death-wish "man" with vagina. Wasn't it just a few days ago NPR told them to get armed? Shit's going to hit the fan real soon now - weather's warming up. Gays are one thing but these sickos need to be put down and under hard.

  25. No people, no emergency rigs except cops. Cops don't act worried, like it's an exercise. Not one school person anywhere.

  26. Said it earlier in another room, it's body language and movement suggest training that a graphic student would not have. Add in Potato Heads press conference, Washington Post seven stories on "assault rifles" and CNN being ahead of the story seems awfully suspicious. It's like they all knew it was coming. Wake up!

  27. So, was this a genetic male pretending to be female? Or a genetic female pretending to be male?

    1. Female pretending to be male. But now, even folks like Yahoo, are ONLY calling her a her, or saying SHE. I think the word came down to abandon the trans subplot to this because it backfired on them and the majority are pointing out that Trans are obviously mentally ill as exemplified by the shooting (assuming some actually happened).


  28. I agree with the comments about a False Flag/Psy-Op. Amazing how the weapons used are the ones the ATF and antigunners are so ardently trying to ban. I've noticed a trend in the last few years that when the anti's get on their soapbox, stuff like this happens. Also, too many things just don't add up. Can't post my name cause I'm LEO and prohibited by policy.

  29. The KelTec was definitely a surprise. The Feds that staged this "one more MK Ultra" mass shooter event were trying to mix it up a little evidently. And an AR pistol w/ brace? Ooooh...now one has been used in a school shooting...no wonder the ATF wants to make those illegal! "How many children will the leftists have to murder before "common sense" gun confiscation is enacted? Hmm? HMMMMM?"

  30. looks "rehearsed" to me....

  31. Pumas Going In, Vans Going Out?

  32. the FBI activated another drone. if we ever get a toxicology report something will be off. either a med was replaced with a placebo or doubled in dosage, whichever would set them off.

  33. Someone was shooting at her as she drove the parking lot at the 20 second mark. Double tap strikes on asphalt in front of hedge.


    1. Nope, sunlight flare from the vehicle either on the camera lens or the pavement.

    2. Good call! I believe that is correct. I knew someone at Irish's place would see it with better eyes than I was. The back of her car reflects a lot of sunlight synchronous to what I was seeing. Lens swirl or some such thing at play.

  34. re -- gait
    Semi-retired Physical Therapist here.
    I saw that several times.
    Asked about their strange walk, the pt explained a 24/7 butt-plug or other toy inserted into the lower colon was stipulated by their 'top'.


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