Friday, December 30, 2022

An Arrest Made In Connection With The Four College Students Murdered In Idaho....





A 28-year-old suspect is in custody in connection with the slayings of four University of Idaho students, NBC news reported Friday.

Bryan Christopher Kohberger was taken into custody by police and the FBI around 3 a.m. Friday in Scranton, Pennsylvania, according to reports.

Kohberger appeared in court Friday morning, and is reportedly a college student but did not attend the University of Idaho.





  1. It will be interesting to see how the arrestee (Kohberger in PA) is connected to the ID slayings. No details were given in the story.
    And I am in no way, shape or form related to the arrestee despite our having the same first name.

    President Elect B Woodman

    1. The suspect is/was a student at Washington State - about 10 miles from UI-Moscow

  2. Moscow PD consists of 36 people including admin, very small PD - FBI, nothing good to say about them - Richard Jewell

  3. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyDecember 30, 2022 at 2:07 PM

    The details on this are going to be the stuff of books, movies, and TV specials, not to mention whack-a-doodle conspiracy blather, for decades.

  4. He looks like Christian Bale in American Psycho.

  5. Scranton? One of Brandon’s kin?

  6. Hopefully they have actual evidence to support this arrest. Would hate to think they did this just to make it appear they are DOING SOMETHING!

  7. A Chinaman kills four Chinamen. In The United States. And Americans care. Why?
    (Seems the coverage... the outrage... the media circusing... was... there?)

    A University student kills four University students. In The United States. And Americans care. Why?
    (Seems the coverage... the outrage... the media circusing... is... oaffa da hook!)

    What is the disease and defect with those people?

    1. This is a fake event - a false flag! The disease is called FBI/CIA.

  8. If guilty sentence to same punishment as the crime. I would volunteer.

    Bear Claw

  9. Presumption of innocence. It's what's for dinner. As a retired Peace Officer from SoCal who worked homicide cases, I would caution anyone to rush to judgement. People murder people over two things: sex and/or money. My initial take on this case is whoever did it was consumed by rage and anger (multiple stabbings/slashings). He/she probably been rejected by one of the attractive female victims, who posed for a lot of selfies showing way too much affection for one another and slept in the same bed. You can make up your own conclusions.
    Sadly, Moscow PD could not find their collective asses with both hands. The only thing they were recently in the news about was when their red-diaper-doper-baby Mayor ordered his badge-wearing Orcs and Orcettes to break up a demonstration protesting mask mandates and arrest their fellow citizens. In a perfect world, a federal grand jury should have indicted them all for violation of Title 18, Section 242, U.S.C. - Deprivation of rights under color of authority. That did not happen. So much for the myth of liberty and the First Amendment in the Gem State. Sad that.

    1. Yep and multiple stabbings usually point to a homosexual.

  10. I'm just spit ballin' here, here's how I think they found this guy.

    They had the guy's car or at least what they thought was the guy's car. Then they geo-fenced cell phone pings to identify all of the phones in that area around the time of the murders. Then they matched phone owners to car owners. They may also have DNA collected from the scene to further identify this guy, putting him at the scene.

    This guy supposedly has a Masters in criminal justice which shows you that even people who specialize in crime and have studied it extensively are still too stupid to be criminals.

    That Idaho PD doesn't have the resources nor probably the expertise to accomplish all of that research to identify the perp on their own. They most likely had extensive help from the Idaho state police and the Eff Bee Eye. Perhaps also the NSA with the geo-fencing.

    I'm betting that almost none of the actual methods they used to track this guy down comes out at trial. It may be revealed in closed session before the judge because "sources and methods". Assuming they have his DNA, that should be enough to convict because he had no business being at the scene at that time.

    If you're going to commit a crime, LEAVE YOUR DAMN PHONE AT HOME and own a vehicle that's NOT blasting its location to every cell tower it passes by.

    Then there's motive. He probably bumped into one or all of the girls when they were out at some bar. He probably tried to put the moves on one of them and she blew him off, rather scandalously, in public. Revenge.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.


    1. I think there maybe some truth to the snub theory, but if it were that bad someone would have recalled it.

  11. He looks like the love child of Adam Lanza and Ted Bundy.

  12. Working on his Piled Higher and Deeper degree in Criminology at Wazzu, which is right across the border with U of I.
    Some chatter about what was on his FakeBook and Twitch(??) sites. We shall see.

    The 48-hour rule is in effect.


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