Monday, September 19, 2022

Be very aware of your surroundings and prepared to defend yourself and loved ones

I saw this article titled Say Her Name linked over at Knuckledraggin My Life Away. It deals with some victims being more equal than others, murder rates through the roof, and how some people throw common sense out the window as they attempt to avoid being perceived as "racist". In other words, they are more concerned about perception than their own well being. I forward the article on to some friends and loved ones who need to me reminded to "go with their gut instincts" and resist caving to "woke" liberals and their ideology when faced with potentially dangerous situations. I thought this article would go perfectly with a video I stumbled upon over at Wired Right last week. The video is graphic and will more than likely require logging in to verify age. It shows what cooperating with a perpetrator got a Tupelo, Mississippi store clerk. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but I cannot stress how important situational awareness is today. Remind your loved ones. Arm and train them properly so they may have a fighting chance if put in a life threatening situation. 


  1. Death penalty? Sure. He will die of old age before all the appeals are exhausted. Its on tape for heavens sake

  2. The bimbo behind that "article" is a walking brain donor. Proof that we need a LOT more Darwinian selection .

    1. I believe it was written as passive-aggressive satire

    2. I took it as being satire as well tto3.

  3. I watch the Active Self Protection videos that are on Wired Right almost every day, that are a great source of information on... self protection.

    I learned an awful lot while in the Service getting anti-terrorist training, THAT is a real eye-opener and I took the lessons to heart and taught them to my kids as well. Never hurts to constantly increase your knowledge base.

    1. Agreed on all counts, cousin Igor, though there is a slice of gun snob in John's videos his content is exceptional and valuable. So many almost-Constitutionalists in my circle have a gun but don't carry it, and the excuses are endless.
      Carry every day every where, train as often as you can even if it is only punching holes in paper. Be aware of everyone around you.
      Don't carry on an empty chamber.

  4. Taking advice from the cops to give in and be compliant gets you dead, obviously. The state is an example of the super predator, it requires your compliance to feed from you, why would it want you to learn skills that leave you in a position to say “no”. It wants you in continuous fear, in subservient (false) reliance on it and it’s agents for safety.

  5. It will get worse. Chicago is nearing a free fire zone that will spread so train train train


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