Thursday, July 14, 2022

Has Anyone Seen Research For The Past 10-20 Years For These Types Of "Events"?







  1. food will be their weapon of choice. or the lack of it . just like it has bein for centuries.
    what I wonder about is how long is going to take for people to wake up to this fact and do something about the assholes
    trying to kill us all off ? bill fucking gates is not buying up farmland because he has a green thumb.
    he wants to play god. remember these assholes want to rule over us like gods.
    they want to live like kings over us.
    never thought we would really have real life bond style bad guys, but here we are.
    and we need to get rid of the worthless Un while we at it.

    1. They all ready live like kings. The only thing they can't do yet is to crush us individually at their will. It's the missing piece to their puzzle of becoming all powerful.

  2. I agree. FAR too suspicious, and could be part of the latest "emergency food shortage" that governments needs to protect you from by increasing regulations and decreasing freedom. I am willing to listen if anyone has the proper perspective. In something like "annual Covid Deaths vs annual normal deaths", I would like to know how many of these "food processing" issues happen on a "normal" annual basis.

    1. "I would like to know how many of these "food processing" issues happen on a "normal" annual basis."

      Short answer None.


  3. All just coincidences. Nothing to see here. Move along.

    1. Zactly. 95 probably due to lake meade and powell situation. Phucking clown world every where. Lets do the Sri Lankan mambo.

  4. It is Bastille day. Time to Make Guillotines Great Again. Lots of good candidates in the District of Corruption.

  5. It is incredible how in 21 it was all caused by fire. In 22 they are just "destroyed". It doesn't even need to look like an accedent anymore...
    I have heard that ranchers were being offered large sums of money NOT to bring their cattle to market, perhaps chicken/egg producers are taking that deal too?

  6. Also starting to see the same thing with gas (both kinds) and electric facilities and some are questioning whether a lot of these mass shootings are being spurred through social media (they knew all about him, etc).

    When it comes, the rebels are going to give Dr Evil and The Slob a thorough going-over.

  7. Not saying there's not something fishy afoot, but having spent 40+ years in veterinary medicine - last 30 in diagnostic labs, with frequent interaction with the state & federal regulatory folks - the big numbers of birds destroyed is not all that unusual.
    Diagnosis of high-pathogenicity Avian Influenza on a commercial poultry premise elicits immediate termination of all birds (and there may be anywhere from 20K to 26K birds in a single broiler house - even if the majority look 'healthy'. Doesn't take more than 4 or 5 broiler houses terminated to hit 100K.
    It's an 'import/export/commerce' situation. Until that disease situation is 'remedied', exports of all poultry products from that entire state (or, in some instances, the entire nation, depending upon the importing country) is halted. Even farms at the other end of the state are impacted, although they may not have the disease on site.

    1. I understand what you wrote. However, please explain how the latest outbreak of "bird flu", that originated in China, spread to EVERY CONTINENT in the world, with the subsequent destruction of meat and egg birds in all those countries. This lead to either highly elevated prices for chicken and eggs or just complete non-availability. Just this morning, I paid $3.69 for a dozen eggs. Last time I purchased eggs, 2-3 months ago, they were $1.80 which was up from$1.19 a year ago.

      As to the fires at food processing plants in the US, I'm no statistician, however all of these fires, concentrated in one industry, FOOD PRODUCTION, is NOT POSSIBLE given the history of "accidental" fires at types of these locations over the last hundred years, unless there is a nefarious plot afoot.

      None of this is coincidence.

      As someone above wrote, food has been used as a weapon throughout written and unwritten history. The easiest way to control a population is to deny them food or make getting it dependent on your government.

      Look at what has happened in Sri Lanka just this week. That storming of the Presidential residence was driven by two things. Limited or unavailability of food and fuel. The food thing was driven by a decision of the government, two years ago, to prohibit the importation of chemical fertilizer which has had a devastating effect on rice and other crops in the country. Sound familiar? Up until two years ago, Sri Lanka was a net exporter of food.

      In addition to fires at food production facilities in the US there were also fires at chemical fertilizer plants here in the US, just to add insult to the injury of continent wide drought in the US.

      Where I live, last night we had the first substantial amount of rain in TWO MONTHS which followed a dry spring and almost snow-less winter. We're currently down 18-24" or more of precip on the year.

      Final message. If you haven't been purchasing long term food, canned and dry, or growing and preserving your own, over the last several years because of cognitive dissonance (it can't happen here), you're going to be in for a rude awakening in the next twelve to eighteen months. Hopefully you'll survive. Many won't.

      You don't have to go out and spend thousands at one time. 2 extra cans of vegetables and fish or Spam and/or a bag or two of dried beans a week is all it takes. That's less than 10.00/wk for longer term food security.


  8. I'm not saying there's nothing fishy afoot, but after spending 40 years in veterinary medicine, the last 30 at diagnostic labs with constant interaction with state & federal regulatory folks, I can say that the numbers of birds 'destroyed' is not all that unusual...y'all just don't usually hear about it. A typical broiler house will have 20K to 26K birds, and they can run 5-7 batches through in a year's time. Doesn't take but about 4 broiler houses terminated to hit 100K dead birds.
    If they have a diagnosis of high-pathogenicity Avian Influenza or Newcastle Disease on a premise... all birds on the premises are terminated within 24 hrs - even if they look healthy at the moment. It's an 'import/export/commerce' regulatory thing... until the disease threat is 'remedied', movement of ANY/ALL poultry products from a given state (and sometimes from the entire USA, depending upon the importing country) is stopped. Farms hundreds of miles away from the affected premise are impacted, even if they're free and clear of the disease threat.

    1. The Epoch Times did research and their conclusion on this!
      I’m still skeptical myself, even so. I’d like to hear what you all think about it after checking it out!

  9. There's over 35K food processing plants in the US. Last time I did the math on this, the likelihood of death from Covid was higher than a food processing plant getting fire/destroyed. Shit, a local farm lost 20K turkeys last summer due to heat and we had to source our Thanksgiving dinner elsewhere; it happens.

    There are other things to worry about, not this MSM distraction. Keep your eye on the ball, guys.

  10. The girls at FaceBook won't allow me to cross post this....shocker...

  11. I've gone through one of these lists, not sure if it's this particular one, but 2/3 of these ones that are actual plants were back up and running inside of a month.

    there are a lot of ones on the list that aren't plants, like the walmart distribution center (#31).

  12. start to garden. learn how to can food the right and safe way. this will be the thing that will save us from all of those assholes
    and the evil plans they have for us to eat bugs. fuck them.
    at one time, over 40% of the food in this country was home grown. we need to get back to that and more.
    grow different stuff than you neighbor does, you two can swap food back and forth.
    it might be the thing that saves you and yours in the end.
    there is not enough deer and other game in all of the state parks and game lands to feed us all.
    so, forget that idea. but by working together with your neighbors you might just get by.

  13. all just one big coinsedent.....SURE it was.

  14. Avian flu (all variants) is plummeting worldwide now. Only about a dozen outbreaks in the past month.
    Don't worry - a month or 2 and it'll be over.

  15. Don't look now, but the LNG terminals in the US seem to be bursting into flames this month. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Lee Greenwood says it's nothing to be hung up over.

  16. Time-honored communist tradition to starve the populace into compliance. If it gets bad they and their tin-starred enforcers should be on the menu. And No, I ain't fuckin joking.

  17. A couple summers ago, the arsonists were out in force.
    Show of hands:
    * how many remember the North America map of forest and other major fires?
    How many remember the fires stopped at the Canadian border?
    Not one major forest fire in Canada, a few thousand major forest and other fires starting immediately south of the Canadian border.
    Weird, huh?


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