Tuesday, March 8, 2022

“It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” ... Sorry, Link Fixed


 This needs to be shared as much as possible:

…watch it all.

Wisconsin father and former US Army Captain James Tesauro went off on Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu on Monday









  1. Very well spoken person. He is 100% correct.

    1. If I my Jess, he is 99% correct.
      I would have like him to have called them both out with the admonition that they are both culpable in the cover up of treasonous acts of voter fraud to alter a ferderal election of the office of the President.

  2. Politicians do what their paymasters tell them to do and the electorate can go to hell.

    1. True.
      But the Electorate has options also..in the mame of National Security.

  3. If you can create a meme, I'm thinking about a picture of a Guillotine, with the basket and the next recipient of that final Close Shave positioned to be looking at where the head will fall
    And a Biden
    I did that
    Sticker to look at.

  4. "Are you done?"
    "Oh, no, jackwagon, I'll start working you over until you rue the day you said that..."

  5. About 10 years ago there was a democrat in Colorado (John Morse) who rose to become the president of the state senate. He was once caught on a hot mic telling a newly elected d-rat not to waste his time interacting with constituents. Interesting thing happened to him in 2013, after he took over $300K from Bloomberg to push gun control legislation: he got his ass recalled and was thrown out of office, though there was plenty of legal wrangling that took place to try and prevent the recall election from happening.

    A couple years prior I had sent him a courteous e-mail objecting to one of his nanny-state legislative proposals and gave him solid reasoning for not pushing it through. Never heard from the guy ("my" guy, as he was from my district). Contacted him again on a different matter with same result. A while later, while bored on a rainy Saturday afternoon, I spoofed him with a message that I wanted to support him financially and how could I do that? Within the hour I received a lengthy reply with detailed explanation of the state campaign finance laws, limits, and what my various options were. Funny thing: he never heard from me again. To be fair, he seemed to be dedicated to his cause and as a part time legislator was not going to get rich off his stipend for "serving the people", but-and as the hot mic incident and his recall showed-he made the mistake of forgetting about the people he was supposed to be representing. From observing recalls in recent times it seems like the system often makes it cumbersome for the electorate to get rid of an incompetent but entrenched politician. With the coming Great Reset they fail to realize there are other ways to get rid of their sorry asses.

  6. Thanks for the link kiddo....the struggle is real!


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