Friday, February 18, 2022

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....




 Mrs. "44F" pays us another visit... she's in the mix.

This was the first submission from a few weeks ago



Stay safe and enjoy the weekend......



  1. Nice allure on 8, gorgeous tush on 9, 217, nice looking older lady on 18, 28, 32, 103, 139, 148 (If she's Mrs 44F), 197, nice Wild Blue Yonder on 53, a little Vitamin E cream will help 103, nice socks on 136, nice everything on 171 (could be a bit broader in the beam, but who's complaining?), 227, nice honey-I'm-trying-to-stuff-a-duck-baby-so-am-I on 215, very nice bouncy on 259.

    Nice good old days on 185.

    Somebody tell 60 we have one. We just need to make it clear to DC we want him in the White House.

  2. God Bless ya Irish, I needed that.

  3. Hands done, best one yet. Thank you Irish!

  4. What a way to end the week and the weekly collage. those last few flashers are just spectacular. Thank You Mrs 44F. I hope to keep seeing you mixed in with the rest of beautiful women that Irish graces us with on Friday.

    Nice mix of memes again this week. The Hitlery ones were especially good. If she had an R after her name, they'd be piping her light. Instead she gets to continually spew her bullshit and actually thinks she's STILL a viable candidate for President, despite getting beat like a drum by Trump and having to surrender the nomination to a non-citizen black guy. Buy hey Hill, run again. I enjoy seeing you get humiliated on the national stage. It IS kinda easy, but I enjoy it anyway.

    Thanks Irish. Another brilliant composition with just the right mix of political commentary, food, Detroit Iron and beautiful buxom ladies who enjoy showing off their assets to our delight.

    Have a great weekend.


  5. Oh, nice header pic again this week and in the last couple of weeks. Love those fantasy warrior women. Nemo

  6. I'm not saying 126 is perfect. I'm just saying I can't find any deductions. Thank you, sir.

  7. 17 - Stayed in a lodge in Colbrook that kind of looked like that.
    34 - Bump Side
    36 - Never even heard of those. In '73 Honda made 200, then recalled & destroyed them. Only two have survived.
    40 - Just a little further......
    44 - Rescued. I love a happy ending.
    56 - That is tasty looking.
    61 - I remember and still have one.
    67 - Clean looking Bronc' .
    69 - Resto Mod
    81 - It's the Bandit!
    83 - I despise lazy bastards that can't clean their vehicle before driving.
    87 - 32's and a stock ride height is a better look.
    92 - Ugly on wheels. My buddy had two of them. He loved it.
    95 - My POTN
    102 - Big ghetto wheels and puny ass stock disc / drum combo. Classics belong on the right rims.
    119 - Yeah, that ain't gonna happen.
    120 - Original? Be like finding the Grail.
    126 - That looks says I might die here tonight. But what a way to go.
    141 - So, the official number is 7% inflation. How the hell do they figure that? COVID Math?
    157 - Nice jugs.
    159 - Wait. I have lotion!
    161 - Those , ummmm - eyes, are something else.
    183 - Love a hot mom.
    183 - I'd really like to see the rest of that.
    195 - Just WOW!
    218 - Then immediately deported. Demoncrats want voters, not productive members of society.
    233 - POTN Alternate. In case the other one gets tired.
    246 - 27
    255 - That's heartbreaking.
    256 - "I got it bad. So baaaad."
    259 - Sweet bouncy.
    268 - THAT is firm, right there.

    Another massive collection of awesomeness.
    Gets any bigger and I'll need a second web page for my comments. ;-)
    Thanks, Boss.

    Whitehall, NY

  8. Nice collection, thanks


  9. Nice collection, thanks


  10. Oh how I love the youngin's but the gray haired ones my age are more attainable and honestly a whole lot easier to deal with. :-)

    But is 148 mrs 44?

    1. Very sexy! And it was another nice teaser, I like her outfit. But not gonna lie, I'd love to see more :)

    2. No, it's not. Tat is above the nipple, wrong breast, too big, and too far from the cleavage.

      Also, the cleft is too wide.

  11. number 97 (the mcdonalds apple pie) was also deep fried and delicious.
    number 121 I'd only ever walk to the beach once, because I'd die on the way home.
    number 168 is missing the word 'oncoming'
    thanks for 273.

  12. So many D's earns you an A+ Irish! Thanks so much!

  13. The Diora was so special.
    And that pic is from Puget Sound in Washington State.
    Awesome as usual.
    Made my lousy week a bit better.
    Take care all...Things are just getting started and will get much worse.
    Be well,
    Spokane, USA

  14. As always, the best thing about Saturday morning.

    BTW, does Leigh ever sleep? Probably took him longer to log and type his comments than it did to create FFF ;)
    JK Leigh

    1. No problem,Bob.
      I actually take notes on a pad, in a rough draft, then post it out. So, it doesn't take long at all. 😉

      Whitehall, NY

  15. Another stellar array of fine women,cars,and food. BTW, anyone out there know if “Busted Knuckles” is up and running somewhere?

    1. http://bustednuckles.com
      Thought I posted this yesterday

    2. Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but every time I click on the site. it goes to Busted Knuckles gear

    3. Try searching for Bustednuckles.com or Bustednuckles.net.
      We out here.

    4. southside, the link is on the sidebar in My blog list NEW >>>

      Try that first.


  16. If you remember the Wolfman, ya a-aight

  17. 11 Not enough speed. Wish there were camera phones back then.13 About a 45 inch cut, less than 52 and you have to push it. 14 Still on my bucket list oh well. 18 Nice. 33 Probably had that in the movie Sleeper. 42 Not much out there on Kelly Konis but she looks delicious. 46 yes. 55 I'll take both. 61 Grampa pulled his camper with one like that. 62 nice work. 69 My favorite number and Lee Iacoca's molding expert got it backwards but they never changed. 71 One of my all time favorite movies, plus Hollywood Knights and Jeremiah Johnson.76 nice find and funny. 84 Drove one in highschool never should have sold it. 93 I think its down to about 40 days now. 97 And they are made in Tulsa Oklahoma by Bama pie. 98 I do it all the time with my wife. 100 I want it. 108 A milf friend of mine is dating Rip. 114 untrained. 132 Troop Kerry is not well disciplined, I need some time with her. 143 Two fresh souls for hell. 150 Janet Lupo was a hottie. 159 Would like to see the video. 185 got some of those on my phone.

  18. lots of REAL women, not barbie doll models. thanks!

  19. 123 - same tatoo in mirror reverse


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