Friday, February 18, 2022

A Pedophile? Caught In A Sting? Manager Of Facebook's Metaverse? Say it isn't so.....




A high-level Facebook staffer and LGBT activist has been caught in an alleged child sex sting operation during which he admits on video he shared explicit text messages with someone he thought was a 13-year-old boy.

Journalist Andy Ngo highlighted the clip, during which Facebook/Meta’s Manager of Community Development, Jeren A. Miles, is grilled on a live stream by a group called Predator Catchers Indianapolis.

Miles also serves on the board of directors for LGBTQ+ group, Equality California.

Miles allegedly told the underage boy in text messages, “I won’t have any restraint around you if I’m horny.”





  1. He doesn't look very concerned.

  2. Facebook, Politicians get a get out jail pass. If I was the father of the boy I would take both to woodshed with a barber's strap.

  3. The elite and their protectors:

    "Nothing to see here, move along, move along."

  4. " The Constitution of these United states is designed for a civil and moral people only. It is wholly inadequate for any other." John Adams. The democrats have intentionally become the uncivil and immoral we were warned about over 200 years ago. Maybe people will begin to understand that rule by the uncivil and immoral is unacceptable for those they refuse to represent.

  5. Hopefully he will be a short term bitch in prison.

  6. It would not have bothered me if he vanished after arriving at the hotel never to be found again

  7. It would not have bothered me if he vanished after arriving at the hotel never to be found again

  8. Anyone post this to Farcebook to see how long it is allowed to stay?

  9. Over and over again. Yet the gay friends I have insist pedophelia and all it's variants aren't part of the gay spectrum. Yeah, right.

  10. A picture of a wood chipper, with the inscription "Pedo-File"



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