Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Bring In The Vikings... Put It On Pay-Per-View...

 These are some of the kids that were run over....

 There are no words.













  1. I would pay to see. Also, could have guessed the race before we all knew, hybo

    1. There is a torture description in the book "Tories of the Hills" that took place in the county where I live during the war between the states. The county where I live was "pro-Union" for the most part. The object of the exercise was Henry Tucker who had joined the 1st Ala. Cav. U.S. A year earlier, Henry had taken a pot shot at a Confederate Home Guard leader and missed. The Home Guard got word he was coming home and they caught him. They took him back to the place where he had shot at the Home Guard leader. With his hands tied behind his back the guards slit his legs just behind his ankles and gamboled him like a hog. They hung him upside down, skinned him alive pouring salt into his wounds. Next the cut off his penis and scrotum and placed them in his mouth. The skin around his neck was pulled up and over his mouth so he could not spit out his privates. Henry's eyes were gouged out. Pine splinters were driven into his kidneys and lit on fire. After four hours of this he passed out and was beaten in the temple with the blunt side of an axe. As if that wasn't enough, he was ordered to be cut down and buried facing from east to west at the base of steep hill. This was done in hopes that on the Resurrections Morning Christ will have passed over him and his body will not resurrected. The ancestors of all parties involved still reside here today. The feral animal that plowed into the crowd at the Christmas parade is fortunate that none of the Tucker's, Hendon's, or Curtis' (or any number of kith and kin from the "Free State") were at the parade.
      The death penalty is so misused in this country. By the time the appeals process is exhausted, most involved are either dead or long forgotten by everyone except those closely associated with the crime. I like the idea of swift justice and hanging by the neck on the courthouse square. Mandatory attendance should be required. I worked for a man years ago and he grandfather witnessed two public hangings as a small boy. He told his grandson he never forgot what the men did or how they died.
      This savage deserves to die a slow and painful death (to hell with "cruel and unusual punishment). He would look good planted in the courthouse yard up to his neck with a gallon of sweet corn syrup poured atop his head and with the ants "working their magic".

  2. I’m good with the Viking solution.

  3. Too easy. Make that fucker attend every one of their funerals and see the grief he’s wrought firsthand. Haul his diuche ass to every hospital room or care unit. He needs to hear a mother’s sobs, witness a father’s heartbreak. Then let the Vikings have their way. Or me.

    1. You assume the shitstain in question is capable of empathy? Ohio Guy

    2. You're assuming he has a soul. He probably would relish the evil he has wrought.

  4. Hanging's too good for him.

  5. Just need a few "mississippi wind chimes" hanging around to put the fear back in their useless lives

  6. Jackson Sparks, 8yo, has 6 now died from his wounds. Blood Eagle sounds too quick though.

  7. Sounds good to me. Do it. Then do it to the perpetrator of the $1000 release bond.

    1. This is what needs to be done. Agree with Sortahwitte to the max.

  8. There are words: Now, we are all Boers. = DWEEZIL THE WEASEL

  9. It is fascinating reading comments from obviously white Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian men and women that are so pissed off and fed up with these barbaric savages that are conjuring and putting forth ancient tortures and body rendering devices and techniques. Don't get me wrong, I approve of every single one. They are murdering our young and old alike, why should I show mercy, they don't. I am of Swedish and Irish stock, We have invented most of the successful pain inducing tortures and I for one am proud of that. These savages have no understanding of what we are capable of and will do once provoked. God will have to have mercy on them... we won't.

  10. Fuck the Vikings! We can do this kind of thing ourselves! Start with the idiots who LET HIM OUT!

  11. Further about the Blood Eagle. You do it by nailing the bastard against the door of his longhouse, with his family and servants inside, and you set it on fire from the rear. So while he dies, his family dies first.

    Or go with the Catherine's Wheel. Take a wagon wheel, put it on a pole so it spins. Take the bastard, break his arms and legs, weave them into the spokes and then mount the pole almost vertical. So as the wind moves the wheel, every broken bone grinds against each other. Done properly it isn't fatal unless the person is weak.

    1. Yes, an heat source should be involved. Rinse, resuscitate and repeat. Ohio Guy

  12. P2- i understand what you are saying but this pile of dung would not care of the pain he has caused. The mourners are white so they deserve it in his mind. Some BLM scum said the revolution has started. So be it. My blood boils and I have truly began to hate.

  13. A proper Roman crucifixion, using rope instead of nails. Just as bad as a blood eagle, but more classical in use or execution.

  14. I wouldn't let him see the people he fucked, he might just get off on it. lots of sick fucks out there these days.
    find a nice crab bed or something like it and stake his ass down and alive. let the critters eat his ass alive like.
    and forget pay per view, show it in every prison to the inmates there as a warning. and the crabs get fed to boot
    do it to fight climate change or something.

  15. His bail? $5 million.
    Rittenhouse bail? $2 million.

    Tells you everything.

  16. Prosecutor in Milwaukee is said to have been backed by Soros; the guy is proud of letting criminals off easy. Earlier in the month a career criminal was holed up in a hotel and shooting at police, hitting two. The guy went through the revolving door of the judicial system multiple times and was back on the street, just like the guy involved in the "parade accident".


  17. These fancy (and fanciful) torture porns tingle the naughty bits of the same leaders that bring us sports porn. And for those that they call "mine", for the same reason. To exhaust them -- mentally, physically, and spiritually. To prevent them from getting "ideas" -- their own ideas. To prevent them from acting on those ideas. Without their owners' approval.

    But the torture porns also send a message to those the masters label "enemy". To "Oh! Behave!". "Enemy". Not "them". Not "not mine". The masters have no intent of lo(o)sing the "enemy". They are a whip against "mine".

    Why do the masters' "slaves" want their "enemies" to behave better? Do they want to live among "enemies"? Do they want to be in constant contact with the masters' "whips"? Wouldn't it be better, easier, more spiritually purifying, to load up the box cars? And never have to look back?

    1. Physical and phycological punishments do work as forms of eradication and as deterrents. Even the mooslems understand this. I had a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia tell me once that he could walk out of a bank with a satchel of currency, set it on top of his car, and leave it there all day long without a single person going near it (no one wants to lose a hand for stealing or being killed as a repeat offender. Only the criminally insane would ignore such tenets.). It did not take long for word to spread during the Rodney King riots through the thug community that they did not want a helping of what the rooftop Koreans were serving.

  18. When the balloon finally goes up, that 13% that has been and is perpetrating most of the crime in this country, since forever, is going to be dealt with, severely, along with their newly arrived compadre's.

    The idea that the perp gets to listen to his family's screams, while they are being burned alive before he succumbs, has a good effect on the gene pool.

    I remember reading an historical novel recently, set in medieval times, where the perp for some crime was flayed alive and salt was added periodically to staunch the bleeding so that the perp stayed alive. in great pain, until the he was crucified and left to rot and be scavenged by crows.

    All the people in the village, including the children, were assembled by the sheriff to watch the festivities.


  19. There are words. They should be the last words spoken by those in the press and LE who now memory holed the story, first. Then those who praised it. Then this POS above last.

  20. I have no words. I'm far too boiling angry about this.

    Stuff a phony dong made up C4 up his rear. Detonate. Yea, his departure would be quick and hopefully painful. I just want that piece of filth gone.

  21. Expending the energy on such to do the sorts of things you suggest seems wasteful. With great respect, these things require an emotional input to properly effect.
    The time for emotionally-driven retributive measures is not yet, if ever. These times require cold, calculated, and total focus on the objectives. My solution is a single bullet, because efficiency is to be desired in these cases.
    The wrath of quiet men consumes all. Public examples are for advertising. We are not in that business.

    1. How many of those Gucci guillotines are going unused. A little theater goes a long way, and showing off what happened in the French Revolution is not necessarily A Bad Thing.

  22. Expending the energy on such to do the sorts of things you suggest seems wasteful. With great respect, these things require an emotional input to properly effect.
    The time for emotionally-driven retributive measures is not yet, if ever. These times require cold, calculated, and total focus on the objectives. My solution is a single bullet, because efficiency is to be desired in these cases.
    The wrath of quiet men consumes all. Public examples are for advertising. We are not in that business.

  23. I like tying him to a cypress tree in the atchafalaya basin swamp, step off about 25 yards and gut shoot him with bird shot just before dark. Walk away and let things that creep in the night explore the open wound and devour him. Alligators are slow eaters. They tear off a chunk then go back for more

  24. I'd like to see him get the type of punishment given in Firefly episode 10, around the 23 minute mark.

    "Are you familiar with the works of Sun Tzu...?"


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