Friday, July 9, 2021

TGIF!!.. Oh Ya We Do!... and, a visit from and an old troll friend...



NO. Shit.



 One of the resident trolls that darkened the comment section stopped by recently. He, she, it, them, they, what ever they are and call themselves was a constant haunt on Soylent's old site. I believe "Leonard" had a few go rounds in the comment sections.

One thing I like to do is try and figure out screen names. Hmmm Patroller.  

My best guess seeing that a "Patroller" would be a troll that patrols something.

Troll's enjoy living under things in dark secret areas.

Maybe our visitor is in the habit of patrolling the holding tanks in a porto-pottys.

It makes complete sense.

 This could actually be said Troll!





  1. just tell the idjit that when the food runs out, the new arrivals or enlistees in the FSA will eat him.

  2. His name is Jeffery and that is about as intelligent as he gets.

  3. My older brother, an educated schoolteacher, has a son that they named Jeffery. Only of course, since he and his wife are educated, the spelled it Geoffrey.
    Since I live in the lower peninsula of Michigan, the people who live in the upper peninsula call me a troll. As in, I live Under The Bridge.
    I have a few friends who live up there, and they are good people. None of them could be considered Trolls. One of them, that I knew from long ago, was a worker on the bridge upkeep. He painted the cables that hold the thing up. Of course, it is a job that is never finished. Funny story, he and a couple of friends, bought an old house, to tear down, and build a new house to sell, and make a few dollars. They found inside of the place, an envelop along with a bunch of other old stuff, with a stamp on it, that sold at auction, for over a half of a million dollars. They split the money 3 ways, and made out like bandits on the other old stuff in the house.
    I don't remember if they ever built a house on the property or not. It has been over 40 years, and I was in high school, while he was in his forties. But he did live an interesting life, and the people in the U.P. were all characters. And that part of Michigan is part of the prettiest areas you could ever want to see. Next to Friday nights here at the Feral Irishman blogspot, of course.

  4. The commie left has only ONE RULE....WIN. By ANY means necessary. They TRULY believe that
    ALL the crimes and cheating associated with the election was ACCEPTABLE for the very simple
    reason that it SERVES THEIR NEEDS. THEY BELIEVE THIS REALITY over proveable science...like
    there being only TWO genders. It is simply not possible to have any form of meaningful discourse
    or discussion with these leftist trolls. The world revolves around them, their ideology and
    their emotions. Anything that doesn't fit into their predetermined agenda and emotional
    patterns is automatically rejected. You CAN'T save them and they will do anything and everything
    to destroy anyone and anything that they feel threatens them or their insane paradigm. In
    a sane, normal world they would be institutionalized where their insanity would be harmless.
    But we live in clown world where they are not only free to wander the streets but actually
    hold positions of power and authority. That means the only rational course of action regarding
    them is to eradicate them. Failure to do so guarantees the total and complete collapse of
    modern civilization. It may in fact already be to late to salvage western civilization. The
    left has done an amazing amount of damage to it in a very short period of time.

  5. Or maybe he fails to get a hard-on at jack off time and has to pleasure himself a different way.

  6. Leftisim is the oxymoron of reason.
    Dont try to reason with oxymorons.

  7. Patroller is a disabled toilet. (saying that in remembrance of Soylent and all things snootchtastic)


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