Wednesday, December 16, 2020











  1. Because the test requires more material to register a positive result than your body's 30,000,000,000,000 living cells do to catch an infection.

    Since you asked.

    1. ...and then multiplies the sample 25, 30 or 40 times to ensure a positive result, because that makes the test that much more accurate. Oh, did I tell you I've got this bridge...?


    2. In spite of the researcher that developed the test saying that a Cycle Test of more than 25 makes the test useless?

      In Electrical Engineering we call that "amplifying noise"...

    3. Without getting into specifics for Kung Flu, and whether the tests are any good, we test for actual seasonal flu the exact same way.
      Which is also the same way we culture wounds and mucous membranes for disease, since about, oh, 100 years ago or so.
      Apparently that's news somewhere.

      It's a binary test result, guys.

      25 x 0 = 0.
      25 x 1 = 25.

      In medicine, we call that "math".

      That's why the results are either negative, or positive.
      You either have a given virus, or you don't.

      You want to get into details about this specific test being crap, because it's not sensitive enough, or too sensitive to false indicators instead of actual virus, or simply gives false results too many times in both directions to be accurate, go ahead on, using actual info. Last I looked, every single test out there for this is pure crap, with an actual accuracy in either direction just slightly better than employing monkeys to throw darts at a board. Flipping a coin is 50/50, and published accuracy for most of the tests rushed into use is 66-33. You can get better odds of success at a crooked roulette wheel.

      So a binary result, just like with pregnancy, is all that matters.
      You can't cycle a positive into existence if there's no virus there, unless you pooch-screwed the entire test before you started.

      But the meme was made by a medical-grade retard, who flunked middle school biology.
      Pardon me all to hell for stating the obvious.
      If something is factually wrong, it isn't funny. Comedy requires truth plus humor.
      Not knowing that just underlines that the author isn't smart enough to delve beyond his depth.

      {FWIW, the number of virusii necessary for a person to contract Ebola, for but one example, is 1.
      For seasonal flu, it may be 10 or so.
      With something like seasonal flu, the 40,000 droplets in a given sneeze or cough contain 10-15 virusii per droplet, and an average cough or sneeze dumps 500,000 virusii. That's why the folks chattering about how a single virus can penetrate a given mask's membrane are so many baboons trying to discuss philosophy.
      The droplets are the problem, not the size of 1 virus, which never travels alone. But I digress.}

    4. Remember Kermit the Frog is leading this discussion.

  2. Morning, Irish, appears you will get some snow today, watch out for the idiot drivers.

  3. Uh, what's the red crap in kermit's cup? Kung flu?


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