Saturday, September 19, 2020

Please Feel Free To Enjoy This Schadenboner* Moment ( full clip of the RBG screamer posted earlier)

 If you chose to look up the tiktok account of the screamer, she identifies as a, you already probably knew this,


 * What does schadenboner mean?: Taking really, REALLY immense pleasure in the misfortune of some loathesome person-like creature.


  1. is that a parity or is it real? It even look like a brit or somewhere other than the US.. looks like she's driving on the right side of the car....Are people in need of recognition this bad?

    1. Anon, I think she set her cell phone to Selfie, so the software records it in left-right mirror image.

  2. wow. can't say anything else and it votes?

  3. If THIS is what happens when RGB got DED, what's it going to be like when DJT gets re-elected to POTUS?

    Just the fight for the next SCOTUS member's gonna be EPIC!!

    1. Whoever it is, she'll be accused by Christine Floozy Ford of trying to rape her.

  4. Yep, this is the democrat party of today, imagine her in a position of power. I hope Trump nominates somebody hard right, we need somebody to negate John Roberts always voting with democrats. If somebody else dies during Trumps presidency we could have the Supreme Court for years, which might save America.

  5. Once again proving you can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think.

  6. We are definitely in the middle of a zombie apocalypse!
    Stay clean, my friends!

  7. This woman's problem is she hasn't HAD a boner anywhere her in quit a while. I was going to post further about the size of said boner and where it should be put, but I think you(collective) get the picture.


  8. Hmmm,, Horticulturalist, ehh? I wonder if she knows how to hug a root..

    1. Probably spends most of her time with the cucumbers and zucchinis!

  9. Like she thinks her pain is going to stop in 2021.. Hhahahaha hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahhahaaaaarg

  10. And, to continue the Most Interesting Man's message especially for the ladies, you don't want to lick it or bump uglies with it, either.

  11. Brings to mind my favorite Dorothy Parker quote. She was challenged at a party one night to use the word 'horticulture' in a sentence. She immediately said: "You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think."

  12. What difference would it have made if Ruth made it to 2021? Trump will still be in office.

  13. It takes a lot of soy to make that happen.

  14. What makes this even worse is that she videoed herself and posted it online. She posted herself being a lunatic. Mommy and DAddy must be so proud.


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