Thursday, May 14, 2020

You Would Have Called Someone Crazy If They Posted This 6 Months Ago...


The Left’s 11-step SCHEME to destroy America

#1. Keep everyone on house-arrest until the November election, where all votes will be mail-in, and every Republican vote trashed, while all Democrat votes get counted (including repeats, dead people, illegal aliens and felons).

#2. “Test” everyone for COVID-19, use false-positive tests for all Republicans, then create a database for FDA/CDC/FEMA raids for human trafficking and political prisons.

#3. Make everyone register their guns so they can be confiscated during the COVID house raids that are “for your protection/isolation/quarantine” for anyone who legally has automatic weapons (so nobody will be able to fight the communist tyranny the Left wants to install).

#4. Close all beaches and parks so nobody can get any vitamin D from the sunshine, and “debunk” the fact that zinc supplementation may just be the best defense against COVID-19.

#5. Force vaccinate every American with a fake vaccine that literally gives you coronavirus so the CDC can claim anyone they want to has the virus and can therefore be captured and taken to FEMA prisons to die (Republicans and Independents who argue with, insult or deny the Left’s narrative).

#6. Silence all dissent to communism on the internet, including Google, YouTube, Fakebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all mainstream news (including every local newspaper).

#7. Make all religious worship illegal, so nobody has any morals, ethics or hope.
#8. Continue to make “examples” of citizens who break the fake “laws” and rules of social distancing in public places. This also includes arresting anyone for participating in legal, peaceful protests of the indefinite lockdown.

#9. Keep all small businesses shuttered and threatened with fines and jail time for doing business in any way, while all corporate businesses stay open and make a fortune.

#10. Foreclose on all homes and land of the middle class to eliminate anyone who functions independently of the police state Big Brother shadow government run by the insane Democrat governors and the globalists who tell them how to function every moment of their miserable shortened lives.

#11. Last but not least: Crash the economy and the stock market, then loot all the savings and retirement accounts for everybody by having a global financial reset where your money’s no good anymore (it’s called a currency swap).

H/T to Jeffery....


  1. Given how many R states are opening up, believe it when you see it.

    1. Agreed. You gotta admit it’s a laundry list of a Democrat’s wet dream.

    2. "You Would Have Called Someone Crazy If They Posted This 6 Months Ago..."

      Yes we would have! I wish I could take credit for this find, but it was sent to me by James in Albany.

  2. Analysis: True.

    Anyone remember how the Left has long talked about seizing 401k plans and issuing an IOU?

  3. Once "they" get to number 2 - human trafficking and political prisons - dozens of ASU's will start pre-planned operations. There will be lots of job openings at the local commie office. We had 25,000+ in Richmond January 2020. That's a lot of 10 man teams.
    It happens fast and it's ugly. It may be necessary - but let's pray for peace.
    Best Regards,
    Red in OleVirginny

  4. How apropos to use the Close Encounters clip, I was wondering when someone would pick up on it. Well done James!

  5. Been thinking along these lines the last couple of weeks.


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