Saturday, May 16, 2020



  1. The masks are symbols of FEAR. Trump needs to fire that worm Fauci. The president put way too much confidence into this guy (I am sure DJT was acting on the advice of his inner circle but it is past time to start questioning the loyalty of some of those). That Weasel Fauci was wearing the biggest damn mask known to man at the WH press conference yesterday and standing right over the President's shoulder for the cameras to see. The effectiveness of the masks is debatable. What we are seeing when certain mayors order shoppers, etc, to wear masks is a continuation of scare tactics by leftist propagandists.

    1. You're assuming that Trump is not in agreement with Fauci and all the rest of the deep state o0eratives then?
      For someone with Trump's reputation for picking top help he sure seems to surround himself with bad guys.

  2. Fauci wearing the "death mask"


    1. Fauci looks like he's wearing a diaper. I agree with you that he's a weasel. If it wasn't for the fact that CONgress would probably impeach Trump AGAIN if Fauci were fired, Fauci would be long gone, IMHO. Ask yourself this question: Why is a 78 year old man, who's been at that job for 34 years and who has had numerous awards bestowed on him from organizations around the world, STILL THERE? Answer: Yet another power drunk Demonrat.

  3. got to love the media. their ability to start and then lose a war us unparalleled throughout history. In 1968, the media told us Vietnam fell because we lost it in the Tet offensive because we lost every battle. in 1973, the North vietnamese leadership told us they didn't understand why we left because we beat their asses off during Tet and they had nothing left. Well, the media said we lost so everyone believed we lost.
    the Randolph Hearst organization gave us the Spanish American War. The media condemned the US and UN forces in Korea in 1951. The Media inflamed the people on all sides in 1859 and 1860 with their stories spoken from both sides of their printed mouths. all thru our history it has been this way, except once, in May of 1944. Dwight David Eisenhower sat down all the news reporters in the service reporter pool in a large auditorium and told them exactly what would happen on D-Day and exactly when. He put them on notice how many more men would die because of their loose mouths and pens. He made them all individually responsible and called each of them to account for their actions and words. they kept it to themselves quite well until the seventh of june. that will never again happen because lawyers have become involved. laws have been written to prevent the press in it's many forms to be accountable and responsible for everything they say or write. Public figures are screwed. Private citizens are screwed. media can utter a lie about anyone and not have to account or pay for it. some pigs in the sty are indeed more equal than other pigs.


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