Thursday, August 4, 2011

Coming Soon to a City Near You...........

Don't Laugh


  1. Appreciate the heads up, brother Irisher...but I've already met this fella's cousins and parents back in 91! Loads and loads of fun, let me tell ya'. STILL have small metal fragments coming to the surface...picking that shit out can be interesting to say the least!

    GREAT site...my 10 year old LOVES your pics of semi and un-clad females...keep up the graet job...


  2. Kell..Thanks for stopping by and the kind words.. and thank you for your service!

    Tell your 10 y.o. to stay tuned :)

  3. @PISSED- HOO- effing- AAH, brother!
    just for your edification ( in know...too many syllables far too early...) 2/ 325th AIR, 82nd ABN. Ranger tabbed and scrolled, CIB w/ devices, 3 purple heart, 1 bronze star, and few service devices, and the soldiers medal of honor for "voluntary risk of life in a non- combat situation", (some drunk assholes decided to go swimming when hurricane david smacked the coast of Virginia way back wehn...dont know if they ever found the other two...) 77 thru 91
    When you positively...absolutely...have to have it blown up by morning!

    GREAT site, bro.....


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