Tuesday, February 11, 2025

That Kid In Mom's Basement May Have Been Real or Staged... But It Does Happen...


  All these cases are local and I remember hearing about each of them.

Son Kills Mom

Son Kills Mom

Son Kills Mom


  1. These are kids who should have been dragged by the scruff of their necks by their fathers down to the nearest Marine Corps Recruiting Office the minute the graduated high school, and made to sign up. And never allowed to move back in to their parents' homes again.

    1. That would work, except the Marines Do Not take 15yr old's. Which was the age my Son was when he decided that he wanted to kill his Mom. He went berserk twice, both times I was there to stop him. After three years of Every psychiatrist (drug pushers), counselor, lock down mental facility that we could find, I realized that I wouldn't always be there to get between my Son and his Mom. We told the state that we could no longer help or control him and that he could Never return to our home. We warned the state that he was VERY dangerous and mentally unwell. The state filed charges against us as unfit parents. Here is how the wonderful "Professionals" have done helping my Son in the six months they have been "helping" him:
      1. He has had over 6 different placements, Three of these placements he has been kicked out of for Assault.
      Two of the Assaults were against staff members of mental hospitals the other against a child in the Foster home the state was Stupid enough to place him in.
      2. He has attempted to run away from every placement he has been in and has been successful at least three times. Once he was missing for three days in Very cold weather and was found incapacitated on stolen cough syrup.
      He is over 6ft tall and 250lbs and yet the state continues to place this very violent and troubled young man with Foster families.
      And the state is still trying to prosecute us as "unfit" parents. Hopefully our finial trial will be next month and one way or the other this Nightmare will end for us. I am willing to go to Prison if the state demands it, but I will Not allow my Son to harm his Mom ever again.

    2. Hope your trial ends well for you.

    3. Anonymous 11:41, The only problem with your plan is the Marines (or any other branch) don't want your problem children for us to straighten out. As a former SNCO, I can tell you I had my hands full riding herd on people that WANTED to be there.

    4. rickn8or, I agree completely, my post addressed the comment about dragging all of these "problem" children down to the recruiters office. There are some that could turn their lives around with a dose of military life. Some of them (like my Son) would simply bring more problems into a military trying hard to recover from the insanity pushed down on the from above. As a fellow Retired SF SNCO the most painful thing I have ever done in this life is admit that I could no longer help or control my Son. I still Love my Son with ALL of my heart and the second most painful thing in this life is watching supposed "Professionals" continuously FAIL to protect my Son from himself and also FAIL to protect those around him. They actually put him into a Foster Family and I suspect they Never warned that family what they were accepting into their home. He Assaulted one of their children. I hesitate to identify myself as I have a court date with these so called "Professionals" next month,
      oh well, what can they do to me, take away my meal card? F them all,

      "It is hard to imagine a more Stupid or Dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay NO Price for being wrong." Thomas Sowell

      MSG Grumpy

  2. I have an uncle who him and his wife divorced because she coddled their 3 sons. She argued in court he was too pushy and harsh because ge tried to make them get jobs. Last i heard all 3 are in their 30's and living in mons basement. No college, no jobs just junk food and video games.


  3. Those are kids either...
    A. With no father present, or
    B. Never got told "no" and never got their asses beat.

  4. It’s the sulfur in the NH water. Terrible shit.

  5. Retired from being custody staff at a female prison. So many just didn't know the simple concept of "No!". I could make significant progress in their rehabilitation once they knew I meant what I said.

  6. The "Adults" Mom or Pop regardless of if one was not there in a way killed themselves by not being parents!
    Thank Gawd almighty that my Dad (Marine in WW2) and Mom (a good and awesome mother) didn't take any of her 6 siblings Crap! And If we gave backtalk......she would say "wait till your father gets home!" we knew by the age of 5 what that meant!!!

  7. I personally went on a possible heart attack run that was called in by a woman's grandchildren when they got off the school bus. They lived with her and were about 10 and 12. We arrived and found the woman had been beat to death with a fire extinguisher. It was done by her son, the uncle of the children, when momma wouldn't give him money.

  8. Not sulfur, manganese.

  9. Manganese, eh ? Thanks !

  10. This stuff in water discussion reminds me of the term “ Mad Hatter” where along the Housatonic River in Ct there were 1800’s hat manufacturers that used arsenic ( I believe) in the hat processing with the workers eventually going crazy.

  11. mercury was used in hat making to clean animal pelts, mad hatter was a condition called mercurialism..I think


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