Tuesday, February 18, 2025

First Hand Experience Of Trucker That Survived The Wyoming Crash.... Damn....


 Caution, you can here people screaming for their lives.....


  1. This ought to ramp up the number of cases of gephyrophobia

    1. Yeah I don’t care for bridges but alright with tunnels. Weird because I have claustrophobia

  2. Been through that tunnel a few times going both directions. Wonder how the wreck happened. Doesn't look like there was any ice to slide on.

  3. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyFebruary 18, 2025 at 12:15 PM

    When I was a little kid we lived in Dayton, Ohio and my mom's folks were in Baltimore. We'd go visit driving, at that time, through a number of tunnels in Pennsylvania. I thought it was pretty cool, but occasionally I wondered what would happen if there was a bad crash with vehicles catching fire. Glad we never had that experience.

  4. Replies
    1. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyFebruary 18, 2025 at 2:47 PM

      The left door was up against the wall, the passenger side perhaps blocked by the white SUV. if its driver drifted forward. I see he did take his manifest, though. Never lose your manifest.

  5. Why do people have to insert random brass and/or string orchestral scores in every damn video?

    Not everyone is retarded with a 3-second attention span or a perpetual child that watches superhero movies and can't tell fantasy from reality.

  6. I always try to get through the Harbor Tunnel in Baltimore as expeditiously as possible, it being old and under the river, etc.

  7. We just drove through that tunnel last fall.


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