Sunday, December 8, 2024

Irish Finally Gets A Chance To Do A Meme Drop.....

  With a big H/T to reader Mark out west.  Thank you.


  1. This has to be the very best load of memes in one dump I've ever witnessed. I don't say that lightly.

  2. So many memes...so little time to send them to leftarded relatives before Christmas....

  3. Some great freakin' memes there.

  4. And you saved the best one for last!

  5. Yes, a strong lineup, and the breastlessness allowed one to savor and appreciate (grandma's D-cup attempt was far too much far too late to count).

  6. I am an improved version of who I once was.

  7. Thanks for bringing back the Aggie joke as well. It's a classic and hilarious.

  8. You really did Meme well...

  9. Great group of memes. As to the last one, Trump has already said he's not going after Bribem and will not instruct Dee Ohh Jay to do so. He did not, however, say anything about Dee Ohh Jay going after Bribem & Co. on their own.

    I sorta think nothing's going to happen there. He had every opportunity last time to prosecute Hitlery for the server and unauthorized emails and a bunch of other stuff that should have landed her in jail or barring that, sentenced to keep her effg mouth shut until the day she dies and to disappear from public life. 'Course in her case that would be cruel and unusual.

    I know that this course of action is not entirely his fault as he was persuaded by the swamp traitors in his administration not to pursue her. However, he WAS/WILL BE the Commander in Chief with the power to make his own decisions regardless of what the Cabinet or any other of his advisors say. I think that's a concept he didn't entirely grasp last time and he's got Helena Habba as his Consigliare this time. She's dome a hell of a job combating the 99 felonies so far and I think is a great choice for In House counsel.


    1. Trump is a nice guy, but Steve Bannon isn't.

  10. Great header pic, BTW. - Nemo

  11. I wonder if Greta will ever see a hard one...

    1. If she does it will certainly be a short lived experience...

    2. Rachael Maddow....

  12. Thanks, I needed this.

  13. Well, she's a guy so....

  14. Oh man. The last one....pleeeeze make it so

  15. I think this applies to this most excellent selection. A sincere, thank you. Bear in Indy

    "There's a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch. Seeing as how I may be rapping on the door momentarily...
    I must say, damn good stuff, Sir."

    From: 'Inglorious Bastards.'

  16. # 76: No Jill, you can't have him and he probably thinks you're oogly.
    #83: The full and complete info about Barry Sotero being born a Kenyan and his squeeze Michael Robinson is revealed, all the Executive Orders, laws he signed, all of his 'accomplishments' are erased, null & void, all their assets confiscated, they are stripped naked and staked spread eagle in an area infested with army ants and honey is poured all over them before security forces depart, leaving multiple cameras to livestream what comes after.
    Did I go too far?

  17. Trump gets elected, and even the quality of memes improves 😁

  18. I love the ‘my FBI agent’ theme.


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