Thursday, September 26, 2024

Great Montage of Ass-Kicking, If Only Something Would Come Of It..










  1. Kicking ass and taking names and has a bigger set of balls than 99.9% of liberal males and government males and female stooges!

  2. Dam fork in straight.

  3. Yes, not bad for a woman from dead eye shot DICK cheney and his daughters home state sadly it achieves nothing as usual until….

  4. Daaamn!!! I like her. She is a BAD A$$

  5. Great Montage of Ass-Kicking, If Only Something Would Come Of It..

    Have you ever seen a trainer throwing fish to sea lions to get them to honk squeezy bulb horns and slap their fins?
    Same principle.

  6. Wow!
    Perhaps 1st female president one day.

    1. And then there's plenty of people like this willing to gulp the full load. .every.dam.time.

  7. Until I see that piece of shit twitching and twisting at the end of a rope tied around his neck, I DON'T FUCKING CARE!
    Matching bracelets and a perp walk is not enough for that scumbag. He needs to die in an embarrassing, painful, slow, torturous way, on public display, forced watching for all lawyers, cops, judges, and any other motherfucker that thinks they can pervert the law to suit their political agenda. Pour encourager les autres

  8. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. While there are plenty of Undocumented Democrats around, Trumplicans are showing what happens when you get fed up.

  9. Lots of words, (again) from the Republicans.....but no action. Noting ever happens, no one ever goes to jail, no one ever gets punished, or tossed out of office, or in any does change happen.

    They just waste everyone's time (and our money) doing this shit without any results.

  10. Aaand...after the hearings are over, everyone shaking hands and patting each other on the back. Boy , Harriet, you sure got some real good soundbites in there , great job . And then business as usual in DC....

  11. Once you realize this is as fake as professional wrestling, the more it makes sense. The characters are only acting for your amusement, they are all just stringing you along while they enrich themselves and their families. It's a big club and you ain't in it, or something like that.

  12. One of the most punchable faces in government ever. One of the few things Bitch McConnell got right in his 40+ years in CONgress.


  13. Until people lose their jobs, lose their pensions, go to jail, get executed, nothing changes. It's all sound bites and twitter fodder and bumper sticker bullshit. Sounds like most of us on here have this same attitude, tired of talking, I want to see people in prison.

  14. i read the headline as "ass kissing".....i read wrong!!!! you go girl

  15. More political kabuki theatre. Nothing will come from it. Except maybe the FBI framing this congress woman as revenge for her noticing the administration's crimes.


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